You know how to strike with painful precision to hobble your foes.
Prerequisites: Sneak Attack, Base Attack bonus 5 or higher.
Benefit: Once per round when you use a full-round action to make a single successful sneak attack, your opponent must make a successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level). If the save fails, the opponent is hobbled. Reduce the hobbled character's speed by onehalf, and he suffers a -6 penalty to effective dexterity. This penalty does not apply for actions such as ranged combat that do not require lower-body movement. In addition, a hobbled character is always considered flat-footed. A character is unaffected by this condition when flying, levitating or otherwise moving without using his legs for support and mobility. This condition lasts until the opponent receives a successful heal check (DC10+ 1/2 your character level), or benefits from a spell that cures ability damage. This feat can only be used against living creatures that can normally be affected by sneak attacks.
Weapon Panache
Choose one type of light melee weapon, such as a short sword or dagger. You are so brash and self-confident when wielding this weapon, that you gain a bonus on attack rolls.
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon, Weapon Focus(Selected Weapon), Base attack Bonus +1 or higher.
Benefit: With the selected weapon, you may add your charisma modifier instead of your strength modifier on attack rolls.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times, each time it must apply to a new weapon. Its benefit does not stack with Weapon Finesse or Strength bonuses.
You can load crossbows with blinding speed and even fire them in melee with little fear of reprisal.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot
Benefit: The time required for you to reload any type of crossbow is reduced to a free action, regardless of the type of crossbow used. You can fire a crossbow as many times in a full attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow. Reloading a crossbow for the type of crossbow you chose when you took Rapid Reload no longer provokes attacks of opportunity.
Special: A fighter may select Crossbow Mastery as one of his fighter bonus feats. A ranger may select Crossbow Mastery in place of Manyshot for his improved combat style at 6th level.
AMBUSH [General]
Your sneak attacks are deadlier than usual.
Prerequisite: Sneak attack ability
Benefit: You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage on a sneak attack when using any light melee weapon.
Special: This feat can be taken only once.
You pick locks faster than anyone else.
Prerequisite: Open Lock 8 ranks
Benefit: You can make an Open Lock check as a standard action
instead of a full-round action and can disable a trap in a similar
amount of time. If you take 20 on an Open Lock check, you take
just one minute to make the attempt.
Normal: An Open Lock or Disable Device check is a full-round
action; Open Lock checks involving lever tumbler or detector locks
can take even longer (see “Locks and Latches” in Chapter Ten).
Taking 20 normally requires 20 times the usual length of time.
SNATCH [General]
You can steal items from others while in melee combat.
Prerequisite: Sleight of Hand 8 ranks
Benefit: You can attempt to take a single Small item from an
opponent, even during combat. Taking an item requires a Sleight of
Hand check opposed by the target’s most recent attack roll, plus the
damage inflicted on you by the target on that attack (if any).
The item cannot be a held weapon (which requires a disarm
attempt). The snatch attempt may target clothing and armor, including
shields. However, because these items are securely fastened to
their wearer, they prove extremely difficult to snatch (with circumstance
modifiers adding 10 or more to the Difficulty Class). Poorly
secured items, such as hats, goggles, loose cloaks, items tucked into
belts, and brooches pinned to the front of tunics are easy to snatch,
providing a +4 bonus on your Sleight of Hand check. You can snatch
a purse, sack, necklace, scarf, amulet, backpack, wineskin, sheathed
weapon, or other loosely attached item with a –2 penalty on the
check.Well-defended items such as rings and bracelets are very difficult,
requiring a grappled and pinned defender.
A target armed with a melee weapon and aware of the attempt
(able to see the character using this feat) is not entitled to an attack
of opportunity against you when you use Snatch.
Accidents Happen [General, Fighter]
The more opponents you fight, the more likely they are to injure each other.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Wis 13+, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Interference, Mobility, base attack bonus +13.
Benefit: If the creature to which you have selected to apply the benefits of the Dodge feat attacks you in melee and misses, you may choose to force it to make an immediate extra attack against any other creature of your choice within its reach that also threatens you. This free attack is at the same attack bonus as the one that missed, and any effects that applied to the original attack against you remain in effect. This feat does not apply if the attack that missed was an attempt to disarm, grapple, sunder, or trip you, nor if it was an attack of opportunity you provoked. This attack counts as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round; you may use this feat no more than once per round, even if entitled to multiple attacks of opportunity per round.
Combat Momentum [General, Fighter]
Your attacks gain in power the as you cut through your enemies' ranks.
Prerequisites:Str 13+, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +12
Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to drop a creature below 0 hit points in melee combat, you gain a cumulative +1 circumstance bonus to damage for all melee weapon attacks until the end of your current action.
Disarming Expert [General, Fighter]
You are an expert at disarming.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +7.
Benefit: If you roll a natural 20 during an attempt to disarm a foe, your disarm attempt succeeds, regardless of the final modified attack roll of your foe. You do not suffer any penalty for using a light weapon when attempting to disarm a foe or when a foe attempts to disarm you.
Normal: Disarm attempts are not automatically successful on a natural roll of 20. Wielders of a light weapon suffer a -4 penalty to make or resist disarm attempts.
Finishing Move [General, Fighter]
You are brutally efficient at making sure your dispatched opponents never get up again.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Dex 13+, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +5.
Benefit: If you deal a creature enough damage to drop a creature below 0 hit points in melee combat (but do not kill them), you may, as a free action, twist your weapon in such a way to ensure their death. The opponent suffers additional damage equal to the base damage of your weapon. You may only take one such free action per turn, and you do not gain a Cleave attack (if you are entitled to one) for dropping that foe if you choose to take such an action.
Flipping Attack [General, Fighter]
You may make a powerful somersaulting attack.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Tumble skill, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: When you take the charge action, you may continue to move after making the attack portion of the charge. The movement must continue in a straight line, up to a maximum total movement of twice your move speed. Moving in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender you attack, though it might provoke attacks of opportunity from other creatures if possible.
Normal: Using the Spring Attack feat does not normally gain the benefits of the charge action, namely a +2 bonus to the attack roll and the ability to move twice your speed while attacking.
Interference [General, Fighter]
The more opponents you fight, the more likely they are to get in each other's way.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility.
Benefit: When you are not flat-footed, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class for every two opponents within 5 feet that are threatening you (maximum bonus of +4 if you are completely surrounded).
Touché [General, Fighter]
You may attack a foe after disarming him.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Disarming Expert, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: If you make a successful disarm attempt, you immediately get a melee attack against that opponent as if you hadn't used your attack for the disarm attempt, using the same attack bonus. This additional attack may not be a trip, disarm, or sunder attempt.
Whirling Defense [General, Fighter]
You spin so quickly when attacking that you nimbly avoid your enemies' counterattacks.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: Whenever you make a whirlwind attack, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your armor class until the beginning of your next turn.
Bane Spell [Metamagic]
Choose one creature type from the list of available favored enemies for the ranger class. You can tune your spells to be more effective against that creature type.
Benefit:A bane spell gains a +2 bonus to the DC for any saving throw for any creature of the appropriate type, but suffers a –1 penalty for any creature of a different type. If the spell inflicts one or more dice of damage, every creature of the right type suffers and additional +2d6 points of the same type of damage. A bane spell uses a spell slot of the same level as the spell’s actual level.
Lucky Spell [Metamagic]
Your spells frequently have unusually fortuitous results.
Benefit:You may make any spell that heals or inflicts one or more dice of damage into a lucky spell. You may reroll any such dice once, up to a maximum number equal to the level of the spell. For example, you may reroll up to three damage dice from a [I]fireball[/I] spell, because it is a 3rd level spell. The new result must be taken, even if it is lower than the original roll. A lucky spell uses a spell slot of the same level as the spell’s actual level.
Seeking Spell [Metamagic]
Your ray and energy missile spells are capable of guiding themselves to the target.
Benefit: You may alter any spell that requires a ranged attack roll or ranged touch attack roll so that you take no penalty to your attack roll when firing at a target engaged in melee. If your seeking spell misses due to concealment (but not due to incorporeality), you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit. A seeking spell uses a spell slot of the same level as the spell’s actual level.
Suppressible Spell [Metamagic]
You may temporarily dismiss the effects of your spells, restoring them as needed at a later point.
Benefit: You may make any spell that is dismissible by the caster into a suppressible spell. When you would dismiss the spell, you may choose to have the spell be suppressed instead; while all effects of a suppressed spell cease as if it had been dismissed, the spell’s duration continues to be counted. While suppressed, the spell is not ended by any action you or the target creature takes that would normally do so. For example, a character under the effects of a suppressed invisibility spell can attack without ending the spell. At any time before the spell’s duration fully expires, you may reinstate the spell. Doing so requires the same type of action as casting the spell in the first place, including any verbal or somatic components needed.
You must be within the spell’s range from the area, object, or creature that was the original target of the spell in order to suppress or reinstate the spell effect. If the spell affected multiple creatures or objects, you may selectively suppress or reinstate the spell’s effects on each of the targets currently within range. There is no limit to the number of times a spell may be suppressed or reinstated during the spell’s duration, even if the duration has been made permanent with the permanency spell.
A suppressible spell uses a spell slot of the same level as the spell’s actual level.
Normal: Dismissing a spell requires a standard action and ends the spell’s effects.
Vicious Spell [Metamagic]
Your spells are particularly devastating, but at a cost to your own health.
Benefit: You may make any spell that heals or inflicts one or more dice of damage with an instantaneous duration into a vicious spell. The total damage caused or healed by the spell is increased by one-quarter; apply this multiplier after all other metamagic effects. However, when you cast the spell, you suffer backlash damage equal to the amount by which the spell’s damage is increased. This damage cannot be avoided, prevented, mitigated, or redirected by any means. You suffer the full amount of damage regardless of whether or not the spell’s targets make or fail their saving throw (or take any damage whatsoever) or whether the spell is blocked by spell resistance. A vicious spell uses a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
Armor Focus [General, Fighter]
Choose any specific type of armor, such as chain mail or full plate armor. You are more adept at moving when wearing that armor.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected armor.
Benefit: When wearing the selected armor type, the armor check penalty applied to your skills is reduced by 1. This reduction stacks with that granted by masterwork armor, but cannot reduce the total armor check penalty to less than 0. The maximum Dexterity bonus for that armor increases by 1 if the armor is medium or heavy armor. These benefits apply both to standard armor and to armors made of special materials, such as mithral or adamantine.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different armor type.
Armor Specialization [Fighter]
Choose one type of armor, such as chain mail, for which you have already selected the Armor Focus feat. You are better at using that armor's natural advantages to protect yourself.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected armor, Armor Focus with selected armor, fighter level 4th.
Benefit:When wearing the selected armor, the armor bonus granted to your Armor Class is increased by +2. This bonus requires activity on your part, and thus the increase is lost whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Because it is an increase in the armor bonus, it does not apply to incorporeal or touch attacks. You may also sleep in this armor without becoming fatigued or exhausted, regardless of its armor check penalty. This benefit applies both to standard armor and to armors made of special materials, such as mithral or adamantine.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different armor type for which you have learned Armor Focus.
Epic Armor Focus [Epic, Fighter]
Choose any specific type of armor, such as chain mail or full plate armor, for which you have learned the Greater Armor Focus feat. You are the undisputed master at moving while wearing that armor.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected armor, Armor Focus with selected armor, Greater Armor Focus with selected armor.
Benefit: When wearing the selected armor type, you suffer no armor check penalties to any skill. Your Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class is not limited by the armor at all; you may ignore the maximum Dexterity modifier for that armor. These benefits apply both to standard armor and to armors made of special materials, such as mithral or adamantine.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different armor type for which you have learned Greater Armor Focus.
Epic Armor Specialization [Epic, Fighter]
Choose one type of armor, such as chain mail, for which you have already selected the Armor Specialization feat. You are even better at using that armor's natural advantages to protect yourself.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected armor, Epic Armor Focus with selected armor, Greater Armor Specialization with the selected armor, fighter level 20th.
Benefit:When wearing the selected armor, the armor bonus granted to your Armor Class is increased by +4; this bonus stacks with the one granted by Armor Specialization and Greater Armor Specialization. This bonus requires activity on your part, and thus the increase is lost whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Because it is an increase in the armor bonus, it does not apply to incorporeal or touch attacks. This benefit applies both to standard armor and to armors made of special materials, such as mithral or adamantine.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different armor type for which you have learned Epic Armor Focus and Greater Armor Specialization.
Epic Mount Specialization [Epic, Fighter]
Choose one type of mount, such as heavy warhorse or griffon, with which you have learned the Greater Mount Specialization feat. You are specially trained to fight from the back of such a creature.
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Mount Specialization, Greater Mount Specialization, Ride skill, fighter or paladin level 20th.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all weapon attack rolls and a +2 bonus to all weapon damage rolls while mounted on the type of creature chosen. Your mount also gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to its damage rolls while you are riding it. These bonuses stack with those of Mount Specialization and Greater Mount Specialization.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different type of creature with which you have learned the Greater Mount Specialization feat.
Epic Shield Specialization [Epic, Fighter]
Choose one type of shield, such as bucklers, for which you have already selected the Shield Specialization feat. You are better at blocking attacks with that type of shield.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected shield, Shield Specialization with selected shield, fighter level 20th.
Benefit:While wielding the selected shield, the shield bonus granted to your Armor Class is increased by +4; this stacks with the increase granted by Shield Specialization. This bonus requires activity on your part, and thus the increase is lost whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Because it is an increase in the shield bonus, it does not apply to incorporeal or touch attacks. This benefit applies both to standard shields and to shields made of special materials, such as mithral or darkwood.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different shield type for which you have learned Shield Specialization.
Greater Armor Focus [General, Fighter]
Choose any specific type of armor, such as chain mail or full plate armor, for which you have learned the Armor Focus feat. You excel at moving while wearing that armor.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected armor, Armor Focus with selected armor.
Benefit: When wearing the selected armor type, the armor check penalty applied to your skills is reduced by 1. This reduction stacks with that granted by masterwork armor and that granted by Armor Focus, but cannot reduce the total armor check penalty to less than 0. The maximum Dexterity bonus for that armor increases by 1 if the armor is medium or heavy armor. These benefits apply both to standard armor and to armors made of special materials, such as mithral or adamantine.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different armor type for which you have learned Armor Focus.
Greater Armor Specialization [Fighter]
Choose one type of armor, such as chain mail, for which you have already selected the Armor Specialization feat. You are even better at using that armor's natural advantages to protect yourself.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected armor, Greater Armor Focus with selected armor, Armor Specialization with the selected armor, fighter level 12th.
Benefit:When wearing the selected armor, the armor bonus granted to your Armor Class is increased by +2; this bonus stacks with the one granted by Armor Specialization. This bonus requires activity on your part, and thus the increase is lost whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Because it is an increase in the armor bonus, it does not apply to incorporeal or touch attacks. This benefit applies both to standard armor and to armors made of special materials, such as mithral or adamantine.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different armor type for which you have learned Greater Armor Focus and Armor Specialization.
Greater Mount Specialization [General, Fighter]
Choose one type of mount, such as heavy warhorse or griffon, with which you have learned the Mount Specialization feat. You are specially trained to fight from the back of such a creature.
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Mount Specialization, Ride skill, fighter or paladin level 12th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all weapon damage rolls while mounted on the type of creature chosen. Your mount also gains a +2 bonus to its damage rolls while you are riding it.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different type of creature with which you have learned the Mount Specialization feat.
Mount of Choice [General, Fighter]
Choose a specific mount, such as "Happy, my pet griffon" or "Solosar, my gold dragon ally." You have mastered the art of fighting in perfect cooperation with this creature.
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Mount Specialization with the type of creature selected, Greater Mount Specialization with the type of creature selected, Ride skill, fighter or paladin level 15th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Ride and Handle Animal skill checks with regards to the specific creature chosen. If you begin combat already mounted, you may roll Initiative twice (adding your Initiative bonus to one roll and that of your mount to the other) and use the higher of the two rolls as your Initiative score.
Normal: Mounts act on their rider's Initiative, even if the mount has a higher Initiative modifier.
Special: After learning this feat, whenever your fighter or paladin level increases, you may choose to switch the benefit to a different creature (you must still meet all the prerequisites for that new mount). You may not select this feat more than once.
Mount Specialization [General, Fighter]
Choose one type of mount, such as heavy warhorse or griffon. You are specially trained to fight from the back of such a creature.
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Ride skill, fighter or paladin level 6th.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all weapon attack rolls while mounted on the type of creature chosen. Your mount also gains a +1 bonus to its attack rolls while you are riding it.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different type of creature.
Shield Charge [General, Fighter]
Choose one type of shield with which you have learned Shield Focus. You have mastered using that shield to protect yourself while charging.
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus with selected shield, proficiency with selected shield.
Benefit:You suffer no penalty to your Armor Class when charging while wielding the selected shield. You also gain a +2 increase to the shield bonus granted to your Armor Class against any attacks of opportunity made during your charge by the creature you are charging.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different shield type for which you have learned Shield Focus.
Shield Deflection [General, Fighter]
Choose one type of shield with which you have learned Shield Focus. You have mastered using that shield to bat away attacks that normally need only touch you.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, proficiency with selected shield, Shield Focus with selected shield, Dodge.
Benefit: When wielding the selected shield, you may add the shield bonus to your Touch Armor Class. Include any increases to the shield bonus from feats or magical enhancement.
Normal: Touch and ranged touch attacks ignore shield bonuses to Armor Class.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different shield type for which you have learned Shield Focus.
Shield Focus [General, Fighter]
Choose one type of shield: buckler, light, heavy, or tower. You are more skilled at keeping the shield's weight from interfering with you movement.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected shield.
Benefit: While wielding the selected shield, the armor check penalty applied to your skills as a result of that shield is reduced by 1. This reduction stacks with that granted by a masterwork shield, but cannot reduce the total armor check penalty below 0. You may ready a shield for which you have learned Shield Focus as a free action. These benefits apply both to standard shields and to shields made of special materials, such as mithral or darkwood.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different shield type.
Shield Mount [General, Fighter]
You are adept at protecting the life of your mount with your shield.
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, proficient with shields.
Benefit: While mounted and wielding a shield, your mount gains the same shield bonus to its Armor Class that you do (including increases due to Shield Specialization).
Shield Specialization [Fighter]
Choose one type of shield, such as bucklers, for which you have already selected the Shield Focus feat. You are better at blocking attacks with that type of shield.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected shield, Shield Focus with selected shield, fighter level 4th.
Benefit:While wielding the selected shield, the shield bonus granted to your Armor Class is increased by +2. This bonus requires activity on your part, and thus the increase is lost whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. Because it is an increase in the shield bonus, it does not apply to incorporeal or touch attacks. This benefit applies both to standard shields and to shields made of special materials, such as mithral or darkwood.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select it, this feat applies to a different shield type for which you have learned Shield Focus.
Weapon of Choice [Fighter]
Choose a specific weapon, as in "my father's battleaxe" or "Scorchblade, my flaming longsword +2." You are particularly familiar with that weapon's unique weight and balance, making you that much more efficient.
Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Specialization with the type of weapon selected, fighter level 16th, weapon chosen must be masterwork and in your possession.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to opposed attack rolls when someone attempts to sunder the weapon you have chosen or disarm you of it. You also gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon; this bonus stacks with those granted by Weapon Specialization and the Greater and Epic versions of that feat.
Special: After learning this feat, whenever your fighter level increases, you may choose to switch the benefit to a different weapon you own (you must still meet all the prerequisites for that new weapon). You may not select this feat more than once.