Assassin Spells
1st Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Addiction | Subject becomes addicted to a drug. | BoVD |
Angry Ache | Subject takes –2 penalty on attack rolls. | BoVD |
Black Bag | Create extradimensional bag of torture tools. | BoVD |
Critical Strike | For 1 round you gain +1d6 damage, doubled threat range, and +4 on attack rolls to confirm critical threats. | SC |
Dead End | Removes spoor of one creature/level. | SC |
Death Grimace | Caster leaves magical “calling card” on a corpse. | BoVD |
Detect poison | Detects poison in one creature or object. | PHB |
Disguise self | Changes your appearance. | PHB |
Distract Assailant | One creature is flat-footed for 1 round. | SC |
Ebon Eyes | Subject can see through magical darkness. | SC |
Feather fall | Objects or creatures fall slowly. | PHB |
Ghost sound | Figment sounds. | PHB |
Insightful Feint | Gain +10 on your next Bluff check to feint in combat. | SC |
Instant Locksmith | Make Disable Device or Open Lock check at +2 as free action. | SC |
Instant Search | Make Search check at +2 as free action. | SC |
Jump | Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. | PHB |
Lightfoot | Your move does not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round. | SC |
Low-Light Vision | See twice as far as a human in poor illumination. | SC |
Obscuring mist | Fog surrounds you. | PHB |
Shock and Awe | Flat-footed creatures get –10 on initiative. | SC |
Silent Portal | Negates sound from door or window. | SC |
Sniper’s Shot | No range limit on next ranged sneak attack. | SC |
Sleep | Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber. | PHB |
Sticky Fingers | You get +10 on Sleight of Hand checks. | SC |
Stupor | One helpless subject is put in a state that allows him to be moved but take no other actions. | BoVD |
True strike | +20 on your next attack roll. | PHB |
2nd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Absorb Weapon | Hide a weapon, gain a Bluff check with a +4 bonus on feint attempts when you draw it. | SC |
Alter self | Assume form of a similar creature. | PHB |
Blade of Pain and Fear | Creates blade of gnashing teeth. | SC |
Cat’s grace | Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Darklight | Creates 5-ft.-radius area where all can see without light. | BoVD |
Darkness | 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. | PHB |
Fell the Greatest Foe | Deal extra damage to creatures larger than you. | SC |
Fire Shuriken | Magical shuriken deal 3d6 fire damage. | SC |
Fox’s cunning | Subject gains +4 Int for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Ice Knife | Magical shard of ice deals 2d8 cold damage plus 2 Dex damage, or deals 1d8 cold damage in 10-ft.-radius burst. | SC |
Illusory scriptM | Only intended reader can decipher. | PHB |
Invisibility | Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks. | PHB |
Sacrificial Skill | Caster gains +5 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made during sacrifice. | BoVD |
Invisibility, Swift | You are invisible for 1 round or until you attack. | SC |
Iron Silence | Armor touched has no armor check penalty on Hide and Move Silently for 1 hour/level. | SC |
Marked Object | You gain bonus to track a specific being. | SC |
Pass without trace | One subject/level leaves no tracks. | PHB |
Phantom FoeM | Subject is always flanked by one creature. | SC |
Spider climb | Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. | PHB |
Undetectable alignment | Conceals alignment for 24 hours. | PHB |
Veil of Shadow | Darkness grants you concealment. | SC |
3rd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Amorphous Form | Subject becomes puddlelike and can slip through cracks quickly. | SC |
Deep slumber | Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep. | PHB |
Deeper darkness | Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius. | PHB |
False life | Gain 1d10 temporary hp +1/level (max +10). | PHB |
Fangs of the Vampire King | Grow vampire fangs. | SC |
Find the Gap | Your attacks ignore armor and natural armor. | SC |
Magic circle against good | As protection from good, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | PHB |
Masochism | For every 10 hp damage caster takes, he gains +1 on attacks, saves, and checks. | BoVD |
Misdirection | Misleads divinations for one creature or object. | PHB |
NondetectionM | Hides subject from divination, scrying. | PHB |
Sadism | For every 10 hp damage caster deals, he gains +1 on attacks, saves, and checks. | BoVD |
Spectral Weapon | Use quasi-real weapon to make touch attacks. | SC |
Spider Poison | Touch deals 1d6 Str damage, repeats in 1 minute. | SC |
Wraithstrike | Your melee attacks strike as touch attacks for 1 round. | SC |
4th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance | Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Cursed Blade | Wounds dealt by weapon can’t be healed without remove curse. | SC |
Dimension door | Teleports you short distance. | PHB |
Flesh Armor | Caster gains DR 10/+1. | BoVD |
Freedom of movement | Subject moves normally despite impediments. | PHB |
Glibness | You gain +30 bonus on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical discernment. | PHB |
Greater invisibility | As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. | PHB |
Heart Ripper | Kills living creature with up to your caster level in HD. | SC |
Hide from Dragons | Dragons can’t perceive one subject/2 levels. | SC |
Implacable Pursuer | You know where prey is, as long as it’s moving. | SC |
Locate creature | Indicates direction to familiar creature. | PHB |
Modify memory | Changes 5 minutes of subject’s memories. | PHB |
Poison | Touch deals 1d10 Con damage, repeats in 1 min. | PHB |
Shadow Form | Gain +4 on Hide, Move Silently, and Escape Artist checks, and concealment; you can move through obstacles if you have ranks in Escape Artist. | SC |
Shadow Phase | Subject becomes partially incorporeal. | SC |
Sniper’s Eye | Gain +10 Spot, darkvision, 60-ft. range for sneak attacks, and death attacks with ranged weapons. | SC |
Stop Heart | Subject drops to –8 hp immediately. | BoVD |
Vulnerability | Reduces an opponent’s damage reduction. | SC |
page revision: 6, last edited: 05 Sep 2011 02:08