

Deities: Ehlonna, Obad-Hai.
Granted Powers: You can use speak with animals once per day as a spell-like ability.
Add Knowledge (nature) to your list of cleric class skills.

Animal Domain Spells

1 Calm Animals: Calms (2d4 + level) HD of animals.
2 Hold Animal: Paralyzes one animal for 1 round/level.
3 Dominate Animal: Subject animal obeys silent mental commands.
4 Summon Nature’s Ally IV*: Calls creature to fight.
5 Commune with Nature: Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level.
6 Antilife Shell: 10-ft. field hedges out living creatures.
7 Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal.
8 Summon Nature’s Ally VIII*: Calls creature to fight.
9 Shapechange F: Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round.
*Can only summon animals.

Source: PHB

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