D&D Sourcebooks
Wizards of The Coast 3.5 Ed Books
Eberron Campaign Setting - The Major one
Players Guide to Eberron - Brief Overview of Eberron
Races of Eberron - Detailed look at Changelings, Kalashtar, Warforged and Shifters.
Dragonmarked - A guide to the Dragonmarked Houses
Explorer's Handbook - All kinds of transportation options for the explorer.
Five Nations - Detailed look at Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, Thrane and Cyre
Forge of War - History of The Last War, details for playing a campaign in war-time.
Magic of Eberron - All kinds of arcane and psionic junk.
Faiths of Eberron - Detailed look at gods and cults of Eberron.
Secrets of Sarlona - Exploring the xenophobic continent of Sarlona.
Secrets of Xen'Drik - Exploring the Shattered Lands of Xen'Drik
Dragons of Eberron - A look at Argonessan and the Dragons of Eberron
Sharn City of Towers - A detailed exploration of Sharn.
Stormreach - A detailed exploration of the pirate capital of Xen'Drik.
Published Eberron Adventures and Articles
Eberron Novels
The Draconic Prophecies | |||||
Title | Author | Release Date | Main Characters | Setting | Notes |
Storm Dragon | James Wyatt | Aug 2007 | Gaven d'Lyrander, Haldren ir'Brassek, Vaskar | Dreadhold, Vathirond, Aerenal, Mournland, Stormhome etc… | Own, Rereading to post review |
Dragon Forge | James Wyatt | June 2008 | Own, Rereading to post review | ||
Dragon War | James Wyatt | Aug 2009 | Own, Finally Reading after reviewing series |
The Dreaming Dark
The City of Towers
The Shattered Land
The Gates of Night
The Heirs of Ash
Voyage of the Mourning Dawn
Flight of the Dying Sun
Rise of the Seventh Moon
The Lost Mark
Marked for Death
The Road to Death
The Queen of Death
The War-Torn
The Crimson Talisman
The Orb of Xoriat
In the Claws of the Tiger
Blood and Honor
The Dragon Below
The Binding Stone
The Grieving Tree
The Killing Song
The Inquisitives
Bound by Iron
Night of the Long Shadows
Legacy of Wolves
The Darkwood Mask
Blade of the Flame
Thieves of Blood
Forge of the Mindslayers
Sea of Death
The Lanternlight Chronicles
The Left Hand of Death
When Night Falls
Death Comes Easy - December 08
Novel Characters
Name | Description | Appearances | Significance |
Cimozjen Hellekanus | Human Oathbound of Dol Dorn, ex-member of the Karnn military group known as The Iron Band | The Inquisitives: Bound by Iron | Major |
Minrah | Young female elf, incredibly bubbly intelligent and keenly observant but with no stomach for combat | The Inquisitives: Bound by Iron | Major |
Theyedir Deneith | Loyal servant of the Sentinel Marshals, gate guard at Thronehold | The Inquisitives: Bound by Iron | Minor |