Eberron Names


Most folk carry a common surname, either a family name or a name related to their region of origin or job. Sorn Fellhorn, Kara of Windshire, and Tellan Magewright are all examples of naming conventions among the common folk of the Five Nations. Those born outside the Five Nations may follow this convention, or may not carry a name other than their given name.
The royal families that trace their roots to the original kings and nobles of the Five Nations, as well as those granted land and titles in more recent times, add an ir’ in front of their surname. So, Queen Aurala of Aundair carries the name of Galifar’s kings, ir’Wynarn, while a vassal lord identifies himself as Lord Darro ir’Lain. This practice e xtends to the Mror Holds and Zilargo, where some dwarf and gnome families were granted titles by the Galifar rulers.
In a practice that predates Galifar and was introduced after the War of the Mark, those born of the blood of the dragonmarked houses add a d’ to their surnames. Merrix d’Cannith, Orum d’Kundarak, and Elsen d’Medani are all blood members of the dragonmarked houses.

Aundairan Names

Aundairian names follow the Galifaran tradition of a personal name followed by a family-based surname.
Male: Ari, Bokk, Breyten, Daen, Dover, Erben, Fluin, Gavrin, Hagro, Herschem, Huys, Jurian, Kamiel, Killian, Kleris, Reng, Retief, Riaan, Saal, Sarelo, Sithov, Tak, Tyman, Urik.
Female: Aafki, Agate, Baltia, Batrax, Beleth, Chantal, Fientia, Flerentia, Gwen, Hjeltia, Juliona, Levini, Margana, Marloes, Sanne, Sien, Tanneken, Vilina.
Surnames: Aarland, Acker, Adriansen, Alyea, Arendt, Bacher, Banekert, Bartell, Bateu, Crudaker, Caldamus, Corleis, Dekker, Ennes, Gerlach, Haldron, Hugrin, Jurians, Karch, Kendig, Maartel, Mantanye, Merchiot, Nagel, Ostren, Petilom, Redeker, Rhuli, Romhaar, Serontain, Shreve, Sykes, Taumen, Thiel, Toriun, Tullier, Valleau, Veseur, Yanger, Zenden.

Brelish Names

Brelish usually have a personal name followed by a family-based surname.
Male: Alain, Beren, Cord, Curlot, Destir, Duran, Erix, Jovi, Kaine, Kuven, Laren, Lis, Maal, Minyu, Nelt, Norn, Oarsen, Pater, Pol, Rand, Reesir, Saal, Stend, Tars, Teesen, Uthar, Verden, Vorj, Werem, Wrogarr, Yelfis.
Female: Aanna, Alike, Beaf, Channa, Dabren, Delru, Elazti, Fromm, Gersi, Glenas, Habra, Heeson, Isti, Itlani, Joherra, Ket, Khaal, Lorsanna, Margu, Maril, Monesti, Narcy, Nebra, Penti, Riki, Soranda, Tabin, Tolri, Wroaan, Wroenna.
Surnames: Aggan, Bakker, Colworn, Devir, Ebinor, Faldren, Graccen, Helmworth, Jonz, Kemble, Lanner, Lonn, Makker, Morrus, Nelview, Perryn, Riston, Roole, Smyth, Snarik, Thorn, Toppe, Wrighten.

Karrnathi Names

Karrns usually have a personal name followed by a family-based surname.
Male: Adalstan, Alarich, Arend, Berend, Brenius, Detlev, Drago, Evetius, Falko, Fraedus, Garrick, Geroldt, Gertan, Gustavus, Halden, Leonus, Leodegar, Maenrad, Rochus, Rolund, Sigor, Theoban, Vedim, Vorik, Wultram.
Female: Adalgisa, Alinda, Asta, Bauin, Clotrila, Demuth, Ebba, Ermena, Forsindh, Gisaul, Harika, Haedrun, Karola, Lorelea, Mauriana, Menelda, Oydelis, Renilda, Syardis, Syele, Theda, Valpaea, Vaunn.
Surnames: Altaner, Argland, Balich, Barthus, Brand, Cerfas, Denka, Dorn, Erdei, Eschus, Furnau, Gaebler, Gergus, Grogloth, Hellekanus, Hintram, Jaranus, Karlach, Kessler, Kraal, Lassinus, Losho, Maerer, Ochem, Rangoth, Roerith, Sattler, Senglin, Taggert, Thul, Trothut, Vanalan, Vedenin, Zecklin.

Thrane Names

Thranes usually have a personal name followed by a family-based surname.
Male: Alestair, Arrun, Andri, Calemi, Coref, Demodir, Drego, Drosin, Egen, Javi, Jeffi n, Kaith, Lukar, Mizar, Ossul, Pentar, Rave, Sercyl, Sudro, Suthar, Syro, Taran, Tokorin, Urdan, Valtar, Vencyl, Verodin, Zoder.
Female: Avaliah, Beref, Chantalyn, Draci, Ghanji, Hariel, Heken, Imperi, Irulan, Jahanah, Kahlia, Lycia, Maradal, Margil, Melindri, Morgana, Narvala, Norah, Nyllestra, Sede, Suspiria, Taris, Thradi, Varikah.
Surnames: Aeyliros, Askarda, Atrelioth, Corliostor, Corus, Desekane, Drosin, Entarro, Eskeliendro, Ghastor, Hetrion, Imaradi, Irvallo, Karavastar, Krayci, Lerendazi, Marktaros, Neskus, Ovion, Ravadanci, Sarhain, Talandro, Tarravan, Teskelyndros, Vanatar, Vasiraghi.

Dwarf Names

Dwarf names usually feature heavy consonants and several syllables. Every dwarf has a given name, which is often the name of a grandparent or great-grandparent, and a clan name identifying his home holdfast. Sample given names are provided below.
Male Names: Bruennen, Durnnam, Greddark, Kellark, Turanank.
Female Names: Annaka, Gerthin, Karkanna, Menna, Zranakarak.
Clan Names: Kolkarun, d’Kundarak, Mroranon, Narathun, Soldorak.

Elf Names

When an elf declares herself an adult, usually some time after her hundredth birthday, she also selects a name. Those who knew her as a youngster may or may not continue to call her by her “child name,” and she may or may not care. An elf’s adult name is a unique creation, though it may reflect the names of those she admires or the names of others in her family. In addition, she bears her family name. Family names are combinations of regular Elven words; and some elves traveling among humans translate their names into Common while others use the Elven version.
Male Names: Aramil, Aust, Enialis, Heian, Himo, Ivellios, Laucian, Quarion, Soverliss, Thamior, Tharivol.
Female Names: Anastrianna, Antinua, Drusilia, Felosial, Ielenia, Lia, Mialee, Qillathe, Silaqui, Vadania, Valanthe, Xanaphia.
Family Names (Common Translations): Amastacia (Starflower), Amakiir (Gemflower), Galanodel (Moonwhisper), Holimion (Diamonddew), Liadon (Silverfrond), Meliamne (Oakenheel), Naïlo (Nightbreeze), Siannodel (Moonbrook), Ilphukiir (Gemblossom), Xiloscient (Goldpetal).

Khorvaire Elves
The elves of the Five Nations retain some of the naming traditions of Aerenal, including the use of many vowels. Their time away from the lands of their ancestors, however, has led to changes that are reflected even in their language. Although Aereni and Valenar elves prefer names that are lilting and mellifluous, the time that Khorvaire elves have spent among the other races has led to shorter, more truncated names. While there is still some overlap between male and female names, distinct gender naming conventions have developed. Some examples are given below.
Male Names: Aesha, Daellin, Marrath, Tellian.
Female Names: Innae, Paela, Phaeani, Sailla, X’ennia.

Valenar Elves
Valenar elves use the same naming patterns as Aerenal elves, with little to differentiate male and female names. Some common names include Aeraes, Dailian, Fianin, Kaelan, Lia, Niath, Shearan, Tairil, Thail, Vaelas, Vaelin, and Xael.

Half-Elf Names

Half-elf names derive from both human and elven origin, but they have developed into something completely separate from their cultural origins.
Male Names: Arimart, Enilam, Ivello, Sovelom, Tham, Thariv.
Female Names: Drusila, Fellise, Ieleen, Mia, Silloene, Xanaph.


Half-orcs use the names of humans and orcs, but some half-orc names are a blend or abbreviation of sounds or words from both Common and Orc.
Male Names: Bravejo, Devent, Fuddok, Kad, Timmok.
Female Names: Anika, Bertha, Ket, Maia-Zak, Zarra.

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