Craft Construct
The creature can create golems and other magic automatons that obey its orders.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item.
Benefit: A creature with this feat can create any construct whose prerequisites it meets. Enchanting a construct takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its market price. To enchant a construct, a spellcaster must spend 1/25 the item’s price in XP and use up raw materials costing half of this price.
A creature with this feat can repair constructs that have taken damage. In one day of work, the creature can repair up to 20 points of damage by expending 50 gp per point of damage repaired. A newly created construct has average hit points for its Hit Dice.
Constructs Which Can Be Made
Monster | Type | CR | Note | Cost to Build | Source |
Alchemy Beetle | Small Construct | 2 | A construct beetle which possibly explodes when destroyed, can be acid, cold, electricity or fire. | 4,000gp + 240 xp | Secrets of Xen'Drik |
Clay Golem | Large Construct | 10 | Has a 1% chance of going on a berserk killing spree with no way to regain control; Damage done by a clay golem cannot be healed normally; Immune to any spell that allows spell resistance; and can cast haste 1/day. | 21,500 gp + 1,540 XP | MM1 |
Flesh Golem | Large Construct | 7 | 1% Berserk chance, but if creator is nearby it may be able to re-establish control, Immunity to Magic | 10,500 gp + 780 XP | MM1 |
Homunculus | Tiny Construct | 1 | Not to be confused with the EbCS Homunculi such as the Iron Defender, a miniature servant which carries out a wizard's tasks. Killing one deals 2d10 damage to it's master. Has a poison ability which puts those affected to sleep, Fort DC 13 | 1,050 gp + 78 XP, +2,000gp per additional HD | MM1 |
Iron Golem | Large Construct | 13 | Breath weapon (10 ft cube poisonous gas, 1d4 Con/3d4 Con, Fort 19 Negates); Immunity to Magic | 80,000 gp + 5,600 XP | MM1 |
Shield Guardian | Large Construct | 8 | Fast Healing 5, Shield Other, Spell Storing (1x 4th level or lower) Note: Amulet; If it's amulet is destroyed it ceases to function until another is made, which costs 20,000gp | 65,000gp + 4,600 XP, for each additional HD +5,000gp, +20,000 gp if made Huge | MM1 |
Stone Golem | Large Construct | 11 | Slow spell every 2 rounds, Will DC 17, Immunity to Magic | 50,000gp + 3,400 XP | MM1 |
Greater Stone Golem | Huge Construct | 16 | Slow spell every 2 rounds, Will DC 17, Immunity to Magic | 105,000gp + 7,640 XP | MM1 |
page revision: 4, last edited: 31 Aug 2011 19:40