Combat Feats
Fighter Bonus Feats
Item Creation Feats
Metamagic Feats
Psionic Feats
Divine Feats
Monstrous Feats
Manifest Spellshaper Feats
Tactical Feats
Action Point Feats - Feats which rely on or are enhanced by the use of action points.
Spelltouched Feats - Feats which require spell exposure to be taken. (Unearthed Arcana)
Wild Shape Feats
Racial Feats
Kalashtar Feats
Shifter Feats
Warforged Feats
Umbragen Feats
Misc Feat Collections
Flight Feats - Feats which require a Fly speed
Feats by Source
Player's Handbook(Complete), Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual 1
Book of Exalted Deeds; Book of Vile Darkness
Eberron Feats
Eberron Feats Compiled
or by book; Eberron Campaign Setting; Dragonmarked; Dragons of Eberron; Explorer's Handbook; Faiths of Eberron; Five Nations; Forge of War; Magic of Eberron; Player's Guide to Eberron; Races of Eberron; Secrets of Xen'drik; Sharn: City of Towers
page revision: 13, last edited: 31 Aug 2011 19:05