1) SWARM: An architectural dig has accidentally dug into a massive hive of strange khyber-warped insects. The queen is sending out drones to feed the colony with captured workers and expand the hive. The queen must be killed. Optional: Rescue captured workers before they're fed to the hatchlings. (Oppurtunity to fight lots of CR 1 and 2 creatures and swarms all at one time.)
2) Find my Book: A book detailing airship construction was stolen from the library by a Tigrin warrior, track him and retrieve the book. His life is of no concern.
3) Old Problems Rising: Aberrations were found underneath the old Deepstorm Village in the northeast. The last one was a beholderkin which went on a petrification rampage before stopped. There are now some nice statues being shipped to Cliffton as decorations however.
4) Ecology Is Important: The professor of Biology at Morgrave University; Director Sendor Reddick is concerned over the effects the recent war may have had on the islands ecology. In order to stabilize it he wants a couple of certain animals and magical beasts captured alive on the mainland and then brought to the island and introduced to the wild.
5) Serf Uprising (EVIL): Isla Mogrova's workers rebel over their mistreatment, lack of quality food and housing, and long work days for low pay. This is unacceptable. If this keeps up we will have no choice but to lower taxes and improve their quality of life. So it comes down to the task of assassinating rebel leaders and disrupting the coming protest march. A fearful populace is a quiet populace. Get to your stabbing.
6) Event Serenading Scheisters of Swordkeep - The Serenading Sailors of Swordkeep arrive to play at Cliffton. Increase Loyalty and stability by 1 for their visit, but decrease economy by 4 as they steal everything not nailed down.
7) A Rock Troll Ate My Dino: A new breed of Troll, described as being like a humanoid boulder, has a lair somewhere on the island and has been stealing the livestock from Vadalis Jurassic Park at night. Recently taken was a Velociraptor, so the beast doesn't fear too much. Vadalis offers a bounty on the creatures head.
8) Who ya gonna Call?: In the process of moving the bodies of the deceased from the temporary crypt in the basement of The Black Chapel, to the new Graveyard, some ceremonial rites were misread. A couple of ghosts were unleashed as a result and they have returned to haunt their old stomping grounds or place of death. These spirits need to be defeated and collected, then their bodies must be consecrated and laid to rest. This could be complicated as a couple spirits have possessed a few of the laborers who were tasked to move the bodies.
9) Fire Dino: An old elemental, the fire elemental Zarnax who once guarded the airship tower, surged back into life, drawn to the explosion at the volcano in the Southwest. Along it's way it ran into a Thri-Kreen riding a Tyrannosaurus away from the scene of a great battle. The Thri-Kreen attempted to kill Zarnax, but failed, only succeeding in enraging the ancient force of nature which proceeded to burn him to cinders. A strange thing happened when Zarnax touched the command circlet the Thri-Kreen was wearing however, it felt a connection to another primal force of nature that it had never experienced and he flowed into that force. The result was a ferocious combination of Fire and savage Dinosaur with an appetite for consumption that would rival the Devourer's and yet still a tiny bit of intelligence. The symbiotic pair continued to the volcano as Zarnax had planned, but when he reached it and bathed in the flames and lava his hunger attracted a unique kind of attention, that of the Sahuagin tribe living off the southwestern coast. They now preach that Zarnax-rex is the avatar of The Devourer and they look to him as a representation of their god, as well as a divine tool to help them achieve their twisted ends.
10) Shark People In The Ruins: A sentry from Devilfish Garrison spotted a sahuagin leaving the ruins of the ghoul village in the north and sinking into the waves. When they sent out a patrol to investigate and look for clues as to it's presence they were killed, not by ghouls or sahuagin, but by traps which seem to have been recently laid.
Isla Mogrova Quests/Events