Zarantyr 999YK
Ecology is Important
Sendor Reddick, head of the Biology department at Morgrave University, is looking to use the island as a focus for a study which should get him a good research grant from the university. The first part of his study requires a thorough examination of the Island's ecosystem, it's flora and fauna. This is a tasking which would take 6 months total, starting whenever the explorer wishes to begin. Also, as the curator for the Valdain Museum of Natural History, Reddick would pay handsomely for well preserved examples of unusual beasts or plants.
Mechanics: Task will be over six months, will do several survival rolls, with a bonus from Knowledge (Nature) or (Geography), and possible combat encounters, or other skill checks which may come up.
Reward: Reputation with Morgrave University will increase, the accolades granting 6 HP.
Reddick will pay the hero 3000 gp, and the Island 1500 gp for performing the study.
Will provide a one-time half-price discount on the building cost of either a herbalist or alchemist on the island by providing al the start-up materials.
The hero will gain a +4 bonus to Survival, Knowledge Nature and Knowledge Geography checks made on the island, due to his new familiarity with the island, may also level.
Bonus: Reddick will pay extra gold for rare species that are brought to him well-preserved for the museum. This means extra gold, and maybe a couple extra Hero Points.