Frosty Mitts Of The Tundra
The Medium Frost elemental bound into Frosty Mitts Of The Tundra allows you to strike at your foes with chilling blasts, and provides some protection against the heat of the forge or your foes.
Description: Frosty Mitts Of The Tundra are bleached white leather gloves with steel plates sewn onto the backs of each hand and finger. Small Khyber dragonshards are mounted on the back of each hand, both glowing a soft white with a hint of a blue swirling mark within.
A faint chill and the smell of crisp mountain air surrounds you when you don the gloves, and when you activate them, frost flows slowly over them until they are covered in chill white. If you hold an item in your hand, the frost flows across the item, though neither you nor the item take damage.
Activation: The gloves provide continual protection against fire while you wear them. In addition, you can utter the word “Freese” in Auran (as a swift action) to generate deadly frost in your hand up to five times per day. The frost can be used offensively as a melee touch attack, or you can release an Ice Dagger at a nearby enemy. You can dismiss your frost as a free action by uttering the word “rest” in Auran.
Effect: While wearing the gloves, you are continually chilled and gain the protection of endure elements (see page 226 of the Player’s Handbook) when in warm environments. You also gain resistance to fire 5.
When a deadly frost envelops your hand, you can make a melee touch attack to deal 1d6+5 points of cold damage.
Alternatively, you can release the frost in a deadly ice grenade in front of you, as a Ice Dagger spell (Spell Compendium), dealing 5d4 points of frost damage to your target and splash damage of 1 point of cold damage to adjacent creatures. Using either of these effects melts the deadly frost.
The frost you create glows with an eerie light blue luminescence as bright as a torch, and persists for up to 10 minutes or until extinguished.
Aura/Caster Level: Moderate conjuration. CL 5th.
Construction: Requires Bind Elemental, planar binding spell, 9,500 gp, 760 XP, 19 days.
Weight: 1 lb.
Price: 19,000 gp.
Source: Homebrew, used Gloves of Flame from Magic of Eberron page 118 as a base.