
This is a collection of all gods available in D&D from many different sources, in case you wish to introduce a different god into your eberron campaign to fill a niche you felt lacking, like Bahamut for instance.

Eberron Pantheon

For an elaboration on gods and religion in the Eberron Setting check out Religion in Eberron.

Major Gods

Name Alignment Domain Favored weapon
Church of The Silver Flame LG Exorcism, Good, Law, Protection Long Bow
The Sovereign Host NG Any of the Domains in the Host Long Sword
Arawai NG Good, Life, Plant, Weather Morningstar
Aureon LN Knowledge, Law, Magic Quarterstaff
Balinor N Air, Animal, Earth Battleaxe
Boldrei LG Community, Good, Law, Protection Spear
Dol Arrah LG Good, Law, Sun, War Halbred
Dol Dorn CG Chaos, Good, Strength, War Longsword
Kol Korran N Charm, Commerce, Travel Mace
Olladra NG Feast, Good, Healing, Luck Sickle
Onatar NG Artifice, Fire, Good Warhammer
The Dark Six NE Any of the domains in The Dark Six Kama
The Devourer NE Destruction, Evil, Water, Weather Trident
The Fury NE Evil, Madness, Passion Rapier
The Keeper NE Death, Decay, Evil Scythe
The Mockery NE Destruction, Evil, Trickery, War Kama
The Shadow CE Chaos, Evil, Magic, Shadow Quarterstaff
The Traveler CN Artifice, Chaos, Travel, Trickery Scimitar
The Blood of Vol NE Death, Evil, Law, Necromancer Dagger
Cults of the Dragon Below (Khyber Cults) NE Dragon Below, Earth, Evil, Madness Heavy Pick
The Path of Light (Il-Yannah) LN Law, Meditation, Protection Unarmed Strike
The Path of Inspiration LN Law, Meditation, Community Flail
The Undying Court NG Deathless, Good, Protection Scimitar
The Keepers of the Past N Destruction, Protection, War Double Scimitar
Vulkoor / / /
The Dreaming Dark / / /

Druidic Sects

The Gatekeepers - Protectors of Eberron, mostly Orc, sworn to watch over the seals of Xoriat.
The Ashbound - Druid Sect
Children of Winter - Dedicated to bringing about a deadly winter which will wipe clean the face of Eberron and start anew and pure.

Forgotten Realms




Homebrew Gods

Hypezokos Demigod of Fire, Destruction and Lizards; Patron of the Shaqti N Fire, Destruction, Sun, Purification*, Retribution* Battleaxe D&D Wiki, modified

This is a little harder than originally thought, as there are many different write-ups of gods in various sources. So, I will initially add them below here as I take them from their various sources. Once I have compiled as close to complete a profile on each, I will put them above in the correct pantheon. Sources I have already read through and used to update the entry will be marked with a !, if the source does not have the mark it means I am aware the god's entry is expanded upon in that book but I have not gotten around to updating it yet.

D&D (Greyhawk) Pantheon

Player's Handbook

Name God of? AL Domains Favored Weapon Sources
Boccob God of Magic N Knowledge, Magic, Trickery Quarterstaff Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Corellon Larethian God of Elves CG Chaos, Good, Protection, War Longsword Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods, Races of Nature
Ehlonna Goddess of Woodlands NG Animal, Good, Plant, Sun Longbow Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods, Races of Nature
Erythnul God of Slaughter CE Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War Morningstar Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Fharlanghn God of Roads N Luck, Protection, Travel Quarterstaff Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Garl Glittergold God of Gnomes NG Good, Protection, Trickery Battleaxe Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods, Races of Stone
Gruumsh God of Orcs CE Chaos, Evil, Strength, War Spear Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Heironeous God of Valor LG Good, Law, War Longsword Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Hextor God of Tyranny LE Evil, Law, War Flail Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Kord God of Strength CG Chaos, Good, Luck, Strength Greatsword Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Moradin God of Dwarves LG Earth, Good, Law, Protection Warhammer Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods, Races of Stone
Nerull God of Death NE Death, Evil, Trickery Scythe Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Obad-Hai God of Nature N Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant and Water Quarterstaff Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods, Races of Nature
Olidammara God of Rogues CN Chaos, Luck, Trickery Rapier Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Pelor God of the Sun NG Good, Healing, Strength, Sun Mace Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Saint Cuthbert God of Retribution LN Destruction, Law, Protection, Strength Mace Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Vecna God of Secrets NE Evil, Knowledge, Magic Dagger Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Wee Jas Goddess of Death and Magic LN Death, Law, Magic Dagger Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods
Yondalla Goddess of Halflings LG Good, Law, Protection Short Sword Player's Handbook!, Deities and Demigods

Races of The Dragon

Name God of? AL Domains Favored Weapon Sources
Kurtulmak God of Kobolds LE Evil, Law, Luck, Trickery Spear RotD
Aasterinian / CN Chaos, Dragon, Luck, Travel, Trickery, [Charm, Illusion, Trade]
Astilabor / N Dragon*, Protection, Wealth* [Cavern, Metal]
Bahamut God of Good Dragons LG Air, Dragon*, Good, Luck, Protection [Nobility, Storm] Heavy Pick, Bite RotD
Chronepsis / N Death, Dragon*, Knowledge [Fate, Planning, Time]
Falazure / NE Death, Dragon*, Evil [Darkness, Undeath]
Garyx / CE Chaos, Destruction, Dragon*, Evil, Fire [Renewal]
Hlal / CG Chaos, Dragon*, Good, Trickery [Rune]
Io / N Dragon*, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth* [Spell]
Lendys / LN Destruction, Dragon*, Law, Protection [Retribution]
Tamara / NG Dragon*, Good, Healing, Strength, Sun [Family]
Tiamat Goddess of Evil Dragons LE Destruction, Dragon, Evil, Greed*, Law, Trickery [Hatred, Scalykind, Tyranny] Heavy Pick, Bite RotD
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