District Type: Finance district
Buildings: Banks (5), moneychangers (30), temple (Kol Korran), upscale food (40), exotic trades (24), upscale trades (100), upscale residences (80)
First Impression: Armed guards stand near just about every storefront and on every balcony in this district, wearing the livery of private security companies. The buildings are clean and ornately decorated, and money seems to be changing hands everywhere.
Social Class: Upper class
Location: Sharn, Upper Central Plateau
Korran-Thiven is the other twin of Sharn’s financial districts, similar in many ways to Korranath but with a harder edge. Its name means “Korran’s Blade” in Dwarven, and the district seems more obsessed with protecting wealth than with acquiring it.
Areas of Interest
Wayfinder Foundation: The Wayfinder Foundation has a relatively small office in Sharn, but it is a vitally important one for many of the adventurers who operate in Sharn’s depths and Xen’drik. The Foundation liaison in Sharn is Hendra ir’Kavay (NG female human aristocrat 3/rogue 6), a wealthy socialite whose interest in ancient history is largely financial.
Source: Sharn: City of Towers