Population: 19,800
Social Class: Lower class
Character: Miserable and dangerous, this ward is hotbed of crime and violence.
Districts: Goblinoid slum, inn district, warehouse districts (2), apartment townhomes, tenement district
Businesses: Low-quality necessities, criminal enterprises, pawnshops, and rag and bone men;
gold piece limit: 10,000 gp
Key Personalities: Faela (LG female half-elf expert 3/adept 1),
Gasslak (NE male medusa adept 1),
Margaash (LN male hobgoblin fighter 2/warrior 2),
Redtooth (CE male human barbarian 5),
Steel (CN male personality warforged barbarian 5),
Swift (CN female half-elf barbarian 4/rogue 1),
Zaz (CN female doppelganger cleric 5)
Once the heart of Sharn, Lower Dura has slowly decayed as the rest of the city moved higher into the sky. Now it is a dark and dangerous place. Precarious and the Stores play important roles in the economy of the city, but the other districts have largely been left to fester and rot. Today, Lower Dura is home to the miserable poor. The Sharn Watch rarely risks patrolling Lower Dura, and the ward has become a center for criminal activities. The inhabitants of the ward may be shielded by gang allegiances, ties to one of the major criminal organizations, or the simple fact of having nothing to steal, but adventurers had best tread lightly and keep weapons near at hand when venturing here. Street violence occurs on a regular basis, amateur and professional cutpurses abound, and the Sharn Watch won’t do much to help. A drawn blade and a successful DC 15 Intimidate check made when entering the district keep most of the rabble away—of course, the more dangerous criminals may see this as challenge and a promise of worthy loot.
In general, Lower Dura is a wretched place, and the city council does little to change that. Everburning torches light most of the district, as opposed to everbright lanterns, and in the worst neighborhoods many of the torches have been shattered or stolen. The ward shows its age, with cracked and worn streets, walls covered with mildew and graffiti, and other signs of neglect and wear and tear. Once Lower Dura was Sharn, and it included a garrison, manors for the city lords, a great temple, and other important buildings. Over the course of time these structures have been forgotten or repurposed. Lower Dura is full of the shadows of a glorious past that can barely be seen beneath the grime of the present.
Callestan (Inn District)
Fallen (Slum)
Gate of Gold (Tenement district)
Malleon's Gate (Goblinoid slum)
Oldkeep (Apartment townhomes)
Precarious (Warehouse district)
The Stores (Warehouse District)
Source: Sharn: City of Towers