Population: 6,200
Social Class: Lower middle class
Character: A quiet residential area containing a few workhouses.
Districts: Marketplace, apartment homes (2)
Businesses: Solid, sensible goods; basic furniture, clothing, tools, and food; gold piece limit: 25,000 gp
Key Personalities: Councilor Shassa Tarr (N female shifter expert 5);
Flamebearer Kaira Faine (LG female half-elf cleric 5);
Gaidan d’Ghallanda (NG male halfling commoner 9)
Lower Northedge is home to the hardworking laborers of Sharn—generally decent folk who believe in an honest day’s work and can afford to stay out of Lower Dura. The people of Lower Northedge don’t look for trouble, and they don’t like it coming to their towers. The ward is relatively simple in structure and design, but it has been kept in good condition over the centuries and is a pleasant enough place to live. While it is largely residential, it includes a number of small workhouses and simple schools, along with North Market.
North Market (Marketplace)
Stoneyard (Apartment townhomes)
Longstairs (Apartment townhomes)
Source: Sharn: City of Towers