Middle Central Plateau

Population: 10,400
Social Class: Middle class (1 upper class district)
Character: Bustling and fast-paced downtown.
Districts: Embassy district, garrison, guildhall district, marketplace, professionals, temple district
Businesses: Solid, respectable, somewhat overpriced;
gold piece limit: 40,000 gp
Key Personalities:
Knight-Marshal of the Citadel Sir Banarak Tithon (LN male human fighter 7/citadel elite 5);
High Priest of the Sovereign Host Phthaso Mogan (NG dwarf male cleric 10);
Archierophant Ythana Morr of the Silver Flame (LE female human cleric 11);
Merrix d’Cannith (LE male human artificer 9/dragonmark heir 3);
Yevgen Torrn (N male half-orc expert 5/master inquisitive 3/dragonmark heir 1);
Solia d’Lyrandar (N female half-elf expert 7/ dragonmark heir 4);
Daphanë d’Kundarak (N female dwarf expert 7/dragonmark heir 4);
Solirion Torralyn d’Sivis (N male gnome magewright 6/dragonmark heir 5);
Thora Tavin (LE female human expert 3/rogue 6);
Councilor Sorik Senso (LN male half-elf expert 11)

The home of Sharn’s dragonmarked families and an abundance of foreign ambassadors, the Middle Central ward rivals its upper neighbor as a seat of power in the city. In fact, that rivalry is quite literal, as Councilor Senso is a bitter personal rival of Councilor Tomollan of Upper Central. Middle Central lacks the wealth of the upper ward, but makes up for it in political connections across Khorvaire.


Ambassador Towers (Embassy District)
Dava Gate (Professional Service District)
Dragon Towers (Guildhall District)
Sovereign Towers (Temple District)
Sword Point (Garrison)
Tradefair (Marketplace)

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