
Northedge, one of the quietest regions within Sharn, is a residential quarter. Most of its inhabitants are crafters and commoners, people who make an honest living within the great city. As a result, it is an uncommon destination for adventurers. However, a variety of tradesfolk and artisans work out of their North edge homes, and it is possible that a party will be recommended to one of the Northedge specialists.
In addition, if an adventurer wants to take up residence within Sharn, the prices in Northedge are quite reasonable. Finally, while Northedge is known as a peaceful region, this calm façade can make an excellent cover for sinister activities. In other words, Northedge makes a perfect hiding place for a master villain, a nefarious cult, or a cunning spy.
Watch Detail These guards are responsible for Northedge as well as the Central Plateau.
504 guards of the Watch:
152 on day shift (122 patrol, 30 stationed),
176 on evening shift (141 patrol, 35 stationed),
176 on night shift (141 patrol, 35 stationed).


Upper Northedge

Shae Lias (Elf Neighborhood)
Crystal Bridge (Wealthy Residential)
Oak Towers (Wealthy Residential)

Middle Northedge

Holdfast (Dwarf Neighborhood)
High Hope (Temple district)
Oakbridge (Average residential)

Lower Northedge

North Market (Marketplace)
Stoneyard (Apartment townhomes)
Longstairs (Apartment townhomes)

Source: Sharn: City of Towers

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