
Magic Item which talks when used, like the Chained Essence of Eranikus Trinket in WoW.

Wand of Darkbolt - 10 charges. 2d8 damage, 1/2 is cold 1/2 is no type. Ranged touch attack. Fort save DC 14 or stun for 1 round.

Bag of Teeth: This small sack is made of fish skin and contains a handful of piranha teeth. By opening the bag and scattering its contents in a body of water, the user creates a piranha swarm (see page 162).
The swarm is average in all regards and remains for 10 minutes. The swarm moves toward and attacks the closest living creature in the water, and the user has no control over its target or direction of travel. If no other creature is available, the swarm remains where it was summoned and attacks the first creature that approaches.
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon swarm; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Finned Gauntlets: These sharkskin gauntlets are
adorned with sweeping fins. The wearer gains a natural
swim speed of 30 feet, with a +8 competence bonus on
Swim checks to perform some special action or avoid a
hazard. The wearer can always take 10 on a Swim check,
even if distracted or endangered, and can use the run
action while swimming. Both gloves must be worn for
the magic to be effective.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Transmutation [Air]
Level: Cleric 3, druid 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Components: S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creatures touched
Duration: 2 hours/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The transmuted creature can breathe air freely. Divide the duration evenly among all the creatures you touch. The spell does not make creatures unable to breathe water. Air breathing counters and dispels water breathing.
Arcane Material Component: A tiny vial of water.

Rune effects on magic and practical applications of higher mathematics on Dwarven runic description

Runes are descriptors that represent phonetics and numeric value, rather then glyphs which have special meaning for each symbol. The advantage of runes is the flexibility that comes with the few phonetic symbols that one needs to draw. In my experiments and studies of the dwarven texts I have verified several important characteristics and functions.

Naming: Because spells exist in discrete packets (specific spells) the name of the spell identifies the spell, so the simplest way and the most effective way to apply a rune effect to a spell is to name the spell. Less effective is to identify a category of elemental power of a spell that the rune is too effect; least effective but perhaps more versatile is to name the category of spells that is to be effected (Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy, Transformation) I assume that the invocation of specific symbols associated with powers and deities have their own effect but these seem to only have power if drawn by one linked to the specific power of sphere by devotion. This makes it a category of usage that I do not have access to, nor am I attracted to a power that constrains my options to a specific ethos. The basic categories of meta-magic effects can be outlined as follows:

Extending Spells: The simplest and most natural effect of a rune mark, this effect comes about as a result of affinity between the spell and its name, the result of a specific name linked with a specific spell is a factor four in common stone. For energy category it is a doubling effect and for spell category a fifty percent increase.

Enlarging Spell: This changes the spells size, increasing it above and beyond its normal scope. This is achieved by creating boundary runes that are identical to the central rune which resonates with central spell. The points of a cube seem to be optimal, creating a six point three dimensional construct, this structure enlarges the spell and also seems to smooth the effect and automatically set boundaries to the effect. The Cube increased the volume by six. A hexagon works nearly as well quadrupling volume, while squares and triangles seem to hover around doubling but have the advantage of being easier to bring off with precision. A positional error seems to disrupt the entire effect. Geometry becomes critical. One easy and powerful expander is the tetrahedron, an expander that gives a quadrupling effect and can be achieved with equilateral triangles and Euclidian construction.

Empower Spell: This transformation requires two things, identification of an external source of power and a link to the name spell. The dwarf method seems to be to link the two by naming the spell and surrounding it at points with the name of additional inputs. In this way for instance a ball of fire can be created by multiple burning hands or even by six burning pots of coal. The catch being that if you cannot cast a fireball you cannot name the spell. However as I will show this method is less effective then a straight line integral transformations. A single input is best as the balance between inputs and the spell if it shifts too far begins to distort the effect. Dwarves like to use category input runes because they allow versatility in power source.

Sustain Spell: This persistent spell maintainer only seems to work if a rune structure can be expressed as a loop that does not end, like a round, and if it is shaped like a circle or ring the effects base length becomes twenty four hours.

Multiply Spell: In order to multiply a spell the rune and the object the rune is inscribed on must be identical and at one point the objects must have been physically connected, then the spell, when cast on one object will duplicate itself on the other. Not as easy as it sounds but the pay off is quite nice, this effect can be achieved several times in theory, but the standards become more stringent as the number of objects increase. This multiply effect can be used with the enlarge effect to create powerful overlapping spell zones from one casting, but the creation of the rune objects must be very delicately undertaken.

Modify Spell: This ability to twist one spell into another is perhaps the one that the dwarves had the least success with. Their rune magic has its basis in Geometry and Algebra and is brilliant at description, but it is clumsy with transformations. However by using a rune equation in calculus form to balance a renaming of one spell to another I have typically achieved a two level loss of spell power to convert one to another.


The size of a rune seems to have nothing to do with the power of the rune, the only effect seems to be that large runes are slower and create a delay that is measurable in the spell taking effect. The smaller the rune the faster it is to respond, however when using two runes to interact with each other they must be of the same font and type.


The more accurately an unnamed process can be described, the greater the precision with which it can be rendered in mathematical terms, the more efficient the runes will be. It is possible with accurate description to achieve level one to level one transformation of a power, however the new effect cannot ever achieve the other spell effect, it can only approach it in ever smaller increments. This is why Calculus renders the math so powerful because the concept of ‘as it goes to’ allows one to approach a secondary effect without breaking the barrier of instability and causing a collapse of the spell to force it into a lesser form of disrupting it all together. A spell can be distorted until it becomes another spell then it loses its stability experiences a surge of entropy. This effect can also be useful if one wants to tear a spell apart, one can instead distort it to the point where it breaks, this may indeed be the source of the ability to resist magic.

Material Composition

The material that the rune is scribed on has several critical properties, topography, function, appropriateness, magical conductivity, and location.
Topography and function are very similar subjects, what is important to know it that runes form a two dimensional structure over the surface of objects, I theorize that this is because the rune “could be” on any place in a continuous object so that its indeterminacy spreads it out over the surface.
Appropriateness of material composition has a strong influence on the effect of a rune construct in distorting the spell. This means that metal is better at amplifying conducting or distorting things like heat and electricity, crystal is more effective with light and so on. I have acid etched one of our rose quartz stones to intensify light and then had it enchanted with a continual flame, as you can see it is twice as intense and hotter in color, more nearly white. Organic material also seems to have degrees of appropriateness and I am sure you see what I am driving at, the material and the spell effect desired need be a good match.
Magical conductivity is correlated with the degree of unlikeliness a material has back home, if we treat our world as a base line then anything absent from there seems to have a higher degree of magical conductivity. The exception to this rule seems to be gold which I theorize must accumulate magic from its environment, and gems which I assume do something similar. Scarcity and magical nature in a material are good guides. The more magical a material the more effective a rune seems to be on it, especially if it also is appropriate. A spell of protection is most enhanced by being cast on a rune marked protective device made from a magical material.
Location is clearly the recognition that certain geometries , like cubes and triangles give runes more stability, spacing evenly around a circle is a very reliable method of getting the most out of runes.


Runes seem to be most reliable when they are continuous in description; however it seems to be possible to link a rune description to another with a continuation descriptor, essentially a ‘go too’ notation. Other logical operations that can be performed on magic seem to include ‘if then else’, ‘greater than less than and equal too’, ‘find (name, location, identity)’, in fact I suspect that almost any logical algorithm can be rune expressed. However remember the difficulty in keeping to the appropriate font size and such. Further, it requires a self aware entity to make a rune; the rune acquires its meaning from the comprehension of crafter and its purpose from the magical nature of the scribe.


Runes can be connected in four ways, first by being adjacent physically and sharing a common function and origin, second by being located in space at critical points, third by being exactly identical to each other and finally by being brought into physical contact with each other.

Mundane Inertia

A rune for heating metal can be given a boost by a source of mundane heat. Adding intense heat to a heat metal rune set at a specific temperature can force the rune to run in reverse converting a portion of the heat into magic. This effect makes shields specifically marked to keep a comfortable temperature superior to those that just stop heat. It means that given a high temperature it is possible to generate free magic too power a secondary rune structure. The same is true for electricity and I assume for other forms of elemental magic.

Knowledge of these rune capabilities allows untalented dwarves to create elaborate protections, devices, and security for their homes. I suspect that with our innate power these runes could allow our magic to make up for in flexibility what we will lack in versatility; we will also be able to share with one another our powers. This will allow us to make up for with craft and skill what we lack in power and eventually to apply our knowledge of superior types of math and programming logic to manipulating our magic into ever more useful tools.

The trapped Sorcerer..

Some Rules on Native Herbs Poisons and Compounds

Spores, molds, acids, venoms and toxins from the monster manuals can variously be preserved with an Alchemy check and stored and used if that is desired. Some uses include but are not limited to, poisons, drugs, inks, dyes, etching mediums, protective coatings and waste disposal.

Unnatural and magically infused materials such as Demon Ichor, Elemental Essence, Troll Blood and Beholder Eyes, Dragon Hide and so forth need an Alchemy Check and a Knowledge Arcana to preserve and utilize and a craft check of some sort to make into a usable form.

Some Local Herbs

Druid Name Method of Use Effect
Arfandas Crush Stem Doubles Healing Rate
Gursamel Apply Stalk Mends Bone
Culkas Apply Leaf Cures Burns
Jojojopo Apply Leaf Cures Frostbite
Fek Nut/Brew Stabilize Wounded
Harfy Resin Application Seals Wounds
Akbutege Leaf Ingested Cure Light Wounds
Cusamar Flower Ingested Heal
Reglen Moss Brew Cure Critical
Rewk Nodual Brew Cure Serious
Yavethalion Fruit Ingest Cure Critical
Arpsusar Stalk Brewed Recover Lost Strength
Ebur Flower Remove Paralysis
Terbas Leaf Application Restoration, Lesser
Berterin Moss Brew Preservative Embalm
Kakduram Fruit Ingested Cures Sensory Loss
Suranie Berry Ingested Resist Sleep
Alshanak Bread Heat Vision for 1/hr
Hesguratu Bread Bulls Strength
Galanius Smoked +1 Wisdom
Tobacc Smoked Resist Sleep, Alertness
Willow Bark Tea Ease Tension
Chikory Brew Stimulant
cell-content cell-content cell-content

Common Lethal Natural Toxins

Druid Name Form Source Effect and Save
Jeggarukh Powder Bats Harm DC 22
Sharkasar Paste Root Cause Light DC 20
Taynaga Powder Bark Cause Serious/Sterility DC 28
Dyanllca Paste Leaf Cause Light DC 16
Juth Liquid Scorpion Casue Serious/Insanity DC 22
Silmaana Powder Stalk Chemical Burns 2d6
Zaganzar Liquid Root Nero Toxin Blindness DC 20
Jitsu Liquid Clams Cause Critical DC 20
Uraana Paste Leaf Cause Serious DC 21
Vuraana Paste Flower Harm DC 18
Dart Oil Tree Frog Paralisis/3d6 Con DC 21
Gumme Powder Mushroom 3d6 Con and Cause Serious DC 16
Strike Oil Snake 3d6 Con / Cause Critical DC 19
Palse Oil Spider 3d6 Str / Cause Light DC 17
Char Paste Bee/Wasp 3d6 Dex Cause Serious DC 19
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