Paladin Spells
1st Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Axiomatic WaterM | Makes lawful-aligned axiomatic water. | SC |
Bless | Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and +1 on saves against fear. | PHB |
Bless Water | Makes holy water. | PHB |
Bless Weapon | Weapon strikes true against evil foes. | PHB |
Bless Weapon, Swift | Weapon strikes true against evil foes for 1 round. | SC |
Blessed Aim | +2 bonus for allies’ ranged attacks. | SC |
Clear Mind | +4 on saves against mind-affecting spells and abilities. | SC |
Create Water | Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. | PHB |
Cure Light Wounds | Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). | PHB |
Deafening Clang | Weapon deals sonic damage, deafens. | SC |
Detect Poison | Detects poison in one creature or small object. | PHB |
Detect Undead | Reveals undead within 60 ft. | PHB |
Divine Favor | You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls. | PHB |
Divine Sacrifice | You sacrifice hit points to deal extra damage. | SC |
Endure Elements | Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. | PHB |
Energized Shield, Lesser | Shield provides user resistance 5, shield bash deals +1d6 damage. | SC |
Faith Healing | Cures 8 hp +1/level (max +5) to worshiper of your deity. | SC |
Find Temple | You know direction of your deity’s nearest temple. | SC |
Golden Barding | Your mount gets force armor. | SC |
Grave Strike | You can sneak attack undead for 1 round. | SC |
Holy Spurs | Special mount’s speed increases by 40 ft. for 1 round. | SC |
Know Greatest Enemy | Determines relative power level of creatures within the area. | SC |
Lionheart | Subject gains immunity to fear. | SC |
Magic Weapon | Weapon gains +1 bonus. | PHB |
Moment of Clarity | Subject gains second save against mind-affecting spell or ability. | SC |
One Mind, Lesser | You gain +4 on Spot and Listen checks while mounted. | SC |
Protection from Chaos/ | Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | PHB |
Read Magic | Read scrolls and spellbooks. | PHB |
Resist Planar Alignment | Subject can resist penalties for being of an opposed alignment on an aligned Outer Plane. | SC |
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. | PHB |
Restoration, Lesser | Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage. | PHB |
Resurgence | You grant subject a second chance at a saving throw. | SC |
Rhino’s Rush | Next charge deals double damage. | SC |
Second Wind | Dispel fatigue, grant bonus on Constitution checks. | SC |
Sense Heretic | Glow reveals when evil creature is near. | SC |
Silverbeard | You grow a hard silver beard that gives +2 bonus to armor. | SC |
Sticky Saddle | You become stuck to special mount, gain +10 Ride checks. | SC |
Strategic Charge | You gain the benefi ts of the Mobility feat. | SC |
Traveler’s Mount | Creature moves faster but can’t attack. | SC |
Virtue | Subject gains 1 temporary hp. | PHB |
Vision of Glory | Subject gains morale bonus equal to your Cha modifier to one saving throw. | SC |
Warning Shout | Allies are no longer flat-footed. | SC |
2nd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Angelskin | Lawful good creature gains DR 5/evil. | SC |
Aura of Glory | Remove any fear effect from allies. | SC |
Awaken Sin | Subject faces its sins, takes 1d6/level nonlethal damage (10d6 max). | SC |
Bull’s Strength | Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Checkmate’s Light | Your weapon becomes a +1 axiomatic weapon and bolsters the morale of allies. | SC |
Cloak of Bravery | You and your allies gain a bonus on saves against fear. | SC |
Delay Poison | Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. | PHB |
Divine Insight | You gain insight bonus of 5 + caster level on one single skill check. | SC |
Divine Protection | Allies gain +1 to AC, saves. | SC |
Eagle’s Splendor | Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Energized Shield | Shield provides user resistance 10, shield bash deals +2d6 damage. | SC |
Fell the Greatest Foe | Deal extra damage to creatures larger than you. | SC |
Flame of Faith | Gives weapon the flaming burst special ability. | SC |
Hand of Divinity | Gives +2 sacred or profane saving throw bonus to worshiper of your deity. | SC |
Holy Mount | Special mount gains celestial template. | SC |
Knight’s Move | You instantly move to flank a subject. | SC |
Loyal Vassal | Ally gains +3 against mind-affecting spells and abilities and cannot be compelled to harm you. | SC |
One Mind | As lesser one mind, but also gain +2 to attack while mounted. | SC |
Owl’s Wisdom | Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Quick March | Allies’ speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round. | SC |
Remove Paralysis | Frees one or more creatures from paralysis or slow effect. | PHB |
Resist Energy | Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. | PHB |
Shield of Warding | Shield grants +1 bonus on AC and Reflex saves/5 levels (max +5). | SC |
Shield Other F | You take half of subject’s damage. | PHB |
Spiritual Chariot | Creates ghostly chariot behind your mount. | SC |
Stabilize | Cures 1 point of damage to all creatures in area. | SC |
Strength of Stone | +8 Str bonus that ends if you lose contact with the ground. | SC |
Undetectable Alignment | Conceals alignment for 24 hours. | PHB |
Zeal | You move through foes to attack the enemy you want. | SC |
Zone of Truth | Subjects within range cannot lie. | PHB |
3rd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Axiomatic StormM | Lawfulaligned rain falls in 20-ft. radius. | SC |
Blessing of Bahamut | You gain damage reduction 10/magic. | SC |
Cure Moderate Wounds | Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10). | PHB |
Daylight | 60-ft. radius of bright light. | PHB |
DiamondsteelM | Metal armor provides damage reduction. | SC |
Discern Lies | Reveals deliberate falsehoods. | PHB |
Dispel Magic | Cancels spells and magical effects. | PHB |
Find the Gap | Your attacks ignore armor and natural armor. | SC |
Hand of the Faithful | Immobile zone of warding stuns those worshiping different deities from yours. | SC |
Heal Mount | As heal on warhorse or other special mount. | PHB |
Holy StormM | Good-aligned rain falls in 20-ft. radius. | SC |
Magic Circle against Chaos | As protection from chaos, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | PHB |
Magic Circle against Evil | As protection from evil, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | PHB |
Magic Weapon, Greater | +1 bonus/four levels (max +5). | PHB |
Mantle of Good/Law | You gain SR 12 + caster level against spells with opposite alignment descriptor. | SC |
One Mind, Greater | As one mind, but also gain +2 to damage while mounted. | SC |
Prayer | Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1 penalty. | PHB |
Regal Procession | As mount, but you summon several mounts. | SC |
Remove Blindness/Deafness | Cures normal or magical conditions. | PHB |
Remove Curse | Frees object or person from curse. | PHB |
Resurgence, Mass | As resurgence, but multiple subjects. | SC |
Righteous Fury | Gain temporary hp, +4 to Strength. | SC |
Seek Eternal Rest | Turn undead as cleric of your level. | SC |
Undead Bane Weapon | Weapon gains undead bane property and is considered good-aligned. | SC |
Weapon of the Deity | Your weapon gains enhancement bonus and special ability. | SC |
Word of Binding | Magical manacles restrain foe. | SC |
4th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Break Enchantment | Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. | PHB |
Castigate | Verbal rebuke damages those whose alignment differs from yours. | SC |
Cure Serious Wounds | Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15). | PHB |
Death Ward | Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects. | PHB |
Dispel Chaos | +4 bonus against attacks by chaotic creatures. | PHB |
Dispel Evil | +4 bonus against attacks by evil creatures. | PHB |
Draconic Might | Gain +5 to Str, Con, Cha; +4 natural armor; immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis. | SC |
Favor of The Martyr | Subject gains immunity to nonlethal damage, charm and compulsion effects, and other adverse conditions. | SC |
Holy Sword | Weapon becomes +5, deals +2d6 damage against evil. | PHB |
Lawful Sword | Weapon becomes +5 axiomatic weapon and emits magic circle against chaos. | SC |
Mark of Justice | Designates action that will trigger curse on subject. | PHB |
Neutralize Poison | Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. | PHB |
Restoration M | Restores level and ability score drains. | PHB |
Revenance | Restores dead creature to life for 1 minute/ level. | SC |
Righteous Aura | You detonate on death, healing good creatures and damaging others (2d6/level damage). | SC |
Sacred Haven | Creatures gain +2 AC, retain Dex bonus, and you can lay on hands at range. | SC |
Telepathic Aura | One-way mental communication to allies within 100 feet. | SC |
Visage of the Deity, Lesser | You gain +4 Cha and resistance 10 to certain energy types. | SC |
Winged Mount | Your mount grows wings and flies at speed of 60 ft. | SC |
page revision: 4, last edited: 03 Sep 2011 15:31