Ranger Spells
1st Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Accelerated Movement | Balance, Climb, or Move Silently at normal speed with no penalty on skill check. | SC |
Alarm | Wards an area for 2 hours/level. | PHB |
Animal Messenger | Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place. | PHB |
Arrow Mind | You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity. | SC |
Aspect of the Wolf | You change into a wolf and gain some of its abilities. | SC |
Blades of Fire | Your melee weapons deal +1d8 fire damage for 1 round. | SC |
Bloodhound | You gain an immediate retry if you fail a Survival check while tracking. | SC |
Branch to Branch | You gain +10 competence bonus on Climb checks in trees and can brachiate through forest. | SC |
Calm Animals | Calms (2d4 + level) HD of animals. | PHB |
Camouflage | Grants +10 bonus on Hide checks. | SC |
Charm Animal | Makes one animal your friend. | PHB |
Claws of the Bear | Your hands become weapons that deal 1d8 damage. | SC |
Climb Walls | Touched creature gains increased climbing ability. | SC |
Crabwalk | Touched creature gains bonus while charging. | SC |
Dawn | Sleeping/unconscious creatures in area awaken. | SC |
Deep Breath | Your lungs are filled with air. | SC |
Delay Poison | Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. | PHB |
Detect Animals or Plants | Detects kinds of animals or plants. | PHB |
Detect Favored Enemy | You know if favored enemies are within 60 ft. | SC |
Detect Poison | Detects poison in one creature or object. | PHB |
Detect Snares and Pits | Reveals natural or primitive traps. | PHB |
Easy Trail | You make a temporary trail through any kind of undergrowth. | SC |
Embrace the Wild | You gain an animal’s senses for 10 minutes/level. | SC |
Endure Elements | Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. | PHB |
Enrage Animal | Animal rages like barbarian, not fatigued. | SC |
Entangle | Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius circle. | PHB |
Guided Shot | You ignore distance, cover, concealment penalties with your ranged attacks for 1 round. | SC |
Hawkeye | Increase range increments by 50%, +5 on Spot checks. | SC |
Healing Lorecall | If you have 5 or more ranks in Heal, you can remove harmful conditions with conjuration (healing) spells. | SC |
Hide from Animals | Animals can’t perceive one subject/level. | PHB |
Horrible Taste | Touched creature or object nauseates biting or swallowing foes. | SC |
Hunter’s Mercy | Your next hit with a bow is automatically a critical hit. | SC |
Instant Search | Make Search check at +2 as free action. | SC |
Jump | Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. | PHB |
Lay of the Land | You gain an overview of the geography around you. | SC |
Lightfoot | Your move does not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round. | SC |
Living Prints | You perceive tracks as if they had just been made. | SC |
Longstrider | Increases your speed. | PHB |
Low-Light Vision | See twice as far as a human in poor illumination. | SC |
Magic Fang | One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls. | PHB |
Marked Object | You gain bonus to track a specific being. | SC |
Naturewatch | As deathwatch, but on animals and plants. | SC |
Omen of PerilF | You know how dangerous the future will be. | SC |
Pass without Trace | One subject/level leaves no tracks. | PHB |
Ram’s Might | Gain +2 to Strength and your unarmed attacks deal normal damage. | SC |
Rapid Burrowing | +20 ft. to subject’s burrow speed. | SC |
Read Magic | Read scrolls and spellbooks. | PHB |
Remove Scent | Hides touched creature’s scent. | SC |
Resist Energy | Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. | PHB |
Resist Planar Alignment | Subject can resist penalties for being of an opposed alignment on an aligned Outer Plane. | SC |
Rhino’s Rush | Next charge deals double damage. | SC |
Scent | Grants the scent special ability. | SC |
Smell of Fear | Subject’s aroma attracts animal attacks. | SC |
Sniper’s Shot | No range limit on next ranged sneak attack. | SC |
Snowshoes | Subject walks easily on ice and snow. | SC |
Speak with Animals | You can communicate with animals. | PHB |
Stalking Brand | Subject marked with symbol you can see despite disguises. | SC |
Summon Nature’s Ally I | Calls animal to fight for you. | PHB |
Surefoot | +10 bonus on Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks. | SC |
Surefooted Stride | You can move over rubble as easily as you can over open ground. | SC |
Towering Oak | +10 bonus on Intimidate checks. | SC |
Traveler’s Mount | Creature moves faster but can’t attack. | SC |
Vine Strike | You can sneak attack plant creatures for 1 round. | SC |
Wings of the Sea | +30 ft. to subject’s swim speed. | SC |
2nd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Align Fang | Natural weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic. | SC |
Balancing Lorecall | You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and can balance on difficult surfaces if you have 5 or more ranks in Balance. | SC |
Barkskin | Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor. | PHB |
Bear’s Endurance | Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Briar Web | Area slows creatures and thorns deal 1 point of damage/5 ft. moved. | SC |
Burrow | Subject can burrow with a speed of 30 feet. | SC |
Camouflage, Mass | As camouflage, but multiple subjects. | SC |
Cat’s Grace | Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Cure Light Wounds | Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). | PHB |
Curse of Impending Blades | Subject takes –2 penalty to AC. | SC |
Easy Climb | You make a vertical surface easy to climb (DC 10). | SC |
Exacting Shot | Your ranged weapon automatically confirms critical hits against favored enemies. | SC |
Fell the Greatest Foe | Deal extra damage to creatures larger than you. | SC |
Haste, Swift | Move faster, +1 on attacks, AC, Reflex saves. | SC |
Hold Animal | Paralyzes one animal for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Jagged Tooth | Doubles the critical threat range of natural weapons. | SC |
Lion’s Charge | You can make a full attack on a charge for 1 round. | SC |
Listening Lorecall | You gain +4 on Listen checks, plus blindsense or blindsight if you have 5 or more ranks in Listen. | SC |
Nature’s Favor | Animal touched gains luck bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls of +1/3 levels. | SC |
One with the Land | Link with nature gives a +2 bonus on nature-related skill checks. | SC |
Owl’s Wisdom | Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Protection from Energy | Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. | PHB |
Snare | Creates a magic booby trap. | PHB |
Speak with Plants | You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures. | PHB |
Spike Growth | Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed. | PHB |
Summon Nature’s Ally II | Calls animal to fight for you. | PHB |
Train Anima | Affected animal gains additional tricks equal to 1/2 caster level for 1 hour/level. | SC |
Tremorsense | Grants tremorsense to a range of 30 feet. | SC |
Wind Wall | Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. | PHB |
3rd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Align Fang, Mass | Allies’ natural weapons become good, evil, lawful, or chaotic. | SC |
Arrow Storm | You make one ranged attack against each foe within one range increment. | SC |
Blade Storm | You make melee attacks against every foe you threaten. | SC |
Blade Thirst | Slashing weapon glows and gains +3 bonus. | SC |
Bottle of SmokeF | Uncorking bottle creates fast horse made of smoke. | SC |
Burrow, Mass | As burrow, but affects 1/level subjects. | SC |
Charge of the Triceratops | Subject grows horns and skull plate, gains gore attack. | SC |
Command Plants | Sway the actions of one or more plant creatures. | PHB |
Cure Moderate Wounds | Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10). | PHB |
Curse of Impending Blades, Mass | Enemies take –2 penalty to AC. | SC |
Darkvision | See 60 ft. in total darkness. | PHB |
Decoy Image | Figment mimics you and allies. | SC |
Diminish Plants | Reduces size or blights growth of normal plants. | PHB |
Find the Gap | Your attacks ignore armor and natural armor. | SC |
Forestfold | You gain +10 competence bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks in one type of terrain. | SC |
Magic Fang, Greater | One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1/three caster levels on attack and damage rolls (max +5). | PHB |
Heal Animal Companion | As heal on your animal companion. | SC |
Mark of the Hunter | Rune on creature makes it easier to attack. | SC |
Nature’s RampartF | You mold the terrain to provide fortifications. | SC |
Neutralize Poison | Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. | PHB |
Phantasmal Decoy | Creates illusory enemy for foe to chase. | SC |
Plant Growth | Grows vegetation, improves crops. | PHB |
Reduce Animal | Shrinks one willing animal. | PHB |
Remove Disease | Cures all diseases affecting subject. | PHB |
Repel Vermin | Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away. | PHB |
Safe Clearing | As sanctuary, but protects an area and lasts 1 hour/level. | SC |
Snowshoes, Mass | As snowshoes, affects one creature/ level. | SC |
Summon Nature’s Ally III | Calls animal to fight for you. | PHB |
Tree Shape | You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/level. | PHB |
Water Walk | Subject treads on water as if solid. | PHB |
4th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Animal Growth | One animal/two levels doubles in size. | PHB |
Aspect of the Earth Hunter | Change into bulette and gain some of its abilities. | SC |
Commune with Nature | Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level. | PHB |
Cure Serious Wounds | Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15). | PHB |
Deeper Darkvision | Subject can see 90 ft. in magical darkness. | SC |
Freedom of Movement | Subject moves normally despite impediments. | PHB |
Foebane | Your weapon becomes +5 and deals +2d6 damage against a favored enemy. | SC |
Implacable Pursuer | You know where prey is, as long as it’s moving. | SC |
Land Womb | You and one creature/level hide within the earth. | SC |
NondetectionM | Hides subject from divination, scrying. | PHB |
Planar Tolerance | Provides long-term protection against overtly damaging planar traits. | SC |
Snakebite | Your arm turns into poisonous snake you can use to attack. | SC |
Summon Nature’s Ally IV | Calls animal to fight for you. | PHB |
Surefooted Stride, Mass | As surefooted stride but multiple subjects. | SC |
Swamp Stride | As tree stride, but with bodies of water. | SC |
Tree Stride | Step from one tree to another far away. | PHB |
Wild Runner | Change into centaur, gain some abilities. | SC |
page revision: 3, last edited: 03 Sep 2011 15:36