Sharn is a massive fantasy metropolis. The largest and most diverse city in all of Khorvaire , Sharn is anything but boring. It is a maze of towers that reach hundreds upon hundreds of feet into the air, with people, skycoaches, gargoyles and all manner of things milling about. Here you'll find a few maps to get you oriented, a district by district look at the city, as well as a few informative essays on the city. In each district it there is an overview of the district, the important figures and places within, and any other useful knowledge.
Welcome to the City of Sharn - A welcome flier written by the Sharn Tourist Bureau
History of Sharn
Sharn Architecture
The Government of Sharn
Sharn as a Gateway to Xen'dik
Finding Someone in Sharn
Dining in Sharn
Dragonmarked Houses in Sharn
Sharn Inquisitive - The local paper
Sharn Special Events
Map of Area Surrounding Sharn
Sharn Ward Overview
Vertical City Diagram
Upper Wards Map
Middle Wards Map
Lower Wards Map
Skyway Map
The Cogs Map
Getting About
The towers and districts of Sharn are divided up 3 ways. First there are the major tower groups known as Quarters, such as the Central Plateau or Dura. An overview of that is in this **Overview Map** . These are divided vertically into Upper, Middle and Lower Divisions. Like in this **Vertical City Map**, with those being called Wards. Within those are the smaller districts.
So for example; Tradefair district is in the Middle Central Plateau Ward of the Central Plateau Quarter and Malleon's Gate District is within the lower Dura ward of the Dura Quarter. Skyway is another story, it floats above Sharn just in the clouds.
This all comes into play when trying to get around as it does take a little bit of local knowhow to get around, and get around quickly. Travel times around Sharn are here.
The Many Districts of Sharn
Central Plateau - Very Center of Sharn
Upper Central Plateau
Highest Towers (Civic Distric)
Korranath (Finance District)
Korran-Thiven (Finance District)
Mithral Tower (Wealthy Residential)
Platinum Heights (Fine Shops)
Skysedge Park (Park District)
Middle Central Plateau
Ambassador Towers (Embassy District)
Dava Gate (Professional Service District)
Dragon Towers (Guildhall District)
Sovereign Towers (Temple District)
Sword Point (Garrison)
Tradefair (Marketplace)
Lower Central Plateau
Boldrei's Hearth (Inn District)
Granite Halls (Shops)
Myshan Gardens (Average Residential)
North Towers (Shops)
Olladra's Kitchen (Tavern District)
Vallia Towers (Average residential)
Cliffside - Cliffs to the SW
Grayflood (Waterfront district)
Mud Caves (Shantytown)
Sharn's Welcome (Red light district)
Ship's Towers (Waterfront district)
Dura - Western side of Sharn
Upper Dura
Clifftop (Adventurer's Quarter)
Daggerwatch (Garrison)
Highhold (Dwarf Neighborhood)
Highwater (Average Residential)
Hope's Peak (Temple District)
Overlook (Apartment Townhomes)
Redstone (Shops)
Middle Dura
The Bazaar (Marketplace and Shops)
Broken Arch (Average Residential)
Hareth's Folly (Tavern district)
Rattlestone (Apartment Townhomes)
Stormhold (Average residential)
Tumbledown (Tenement district)
Underlook (Inn District)
Lower Dura
Callestan (Inn District)
Fallen (Slum)
Gate of Gold (Tenement district)
Malleon's Gate (Goblinoid slum)
Oldkeep (Apartment townhomes)
Precarious (Warehouse district)
The Stores (Warehouse District)
Menthis Plateau - South Center of Sharn
Upper Menthis Plateau
Deni'yas (Gnome Neighborhood)
Ivy Towers (Average residential District)
Platinate (Wealthy Residential)
Seventh Tower (Fine Shops)
University District (Educational District)
Middle Menthis Plateau
Cassan Bridge (Shops)
Everbright (Magic District)
Little Plains (Halfling Encampment)
Smoky Towers (Theater District)
Warden Towers (Garrison)
Lower Menthis Plateau
Center Bridge (Average Residential)
Downstairs (Tavern district)
Firelight (Redlight District)
Forgelight Towers (Average Residential)
Torchfire (Theater District)
Tavick's Landing - East Side of Sharn
Upper Tavick's Landing
Copper Arch (Professionals)
Dalan's Refuge (Wealthy Residential)
Ocean View (Wealthy Residential)
Pinnacle (Temple District)
Silvergate (Fine Shops)
Sunrise (Average Residences)
Twelve Pillars (Professionals)
Middle Tavick's Landing
Cornerstone (Tavern District)
Dancing Shadows (Inn District)
Deathsgate (Adventurer's Quarter)
Graywall (Average Residential, Karnn)
Kenton (Apartment Townhomes)
Little Barrington (Average Residential)
Tavick's Market (Marketplace)
Lower Tavick's Landing
Black Arch (Garrison)
Cogsgate (Warehouse district)
Dragoneyes (Red Light District)
Foundation (Apartment Townhomes)
High Walls (Refugee Slum)
Terminus (Caravan District)
Wroann's Gate (Caravan District)
Northedge - North Side of Sharn
Upper Northedge
Shae Lias (Elf Neighborhood)
Crystal Bridge (Wealthy Residential)
Oak Towers (Wealthy Residential)
Middle Northedge
Holdfast (Dwarf Neighborhood)
High Hope (Temple district)
Oakbridge (Average residential)
Lower Northedge
North Market (Marketplace)
Stoneyard (Apartment townhomes)
Longstairs (Apartment townhomes)
Skyway - Floating Above Everyone
Azure (Sky district)
Brilliant (Sky District)
The Cogs - Sharn's Basement
The Upper Cogs
Ashblack (Industry District)
Blackbones (Industry District)
Khyber's Gate (Undercity)
The Sewers
The Depths