Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Hopefully this helps out everyone trying to make up a higher level wizard who wants a good spell selection, or DM's who like giving unusual scrolls as treasure. I know it was always a pain for me to dig between the two books, so now you don't have to! Enjoy!
Arcane Spell Rules
0 Level (Cantrips) | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. | PHB |
Conjuration | ||
Acid Splash | Orb deals 1d3 acid damage. | PHB |
Caltrops | Creates caltrops in 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square, +5-ft. square/2 levels beyond 1st (max 5). | SC |
Drench | Targeted sudden downpour on target creature or object | |
Divination | ||
Detect Poison | Detects poison in one creature or small object. | PHB |
Detect Magic | Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. | PHB |
Read Magic | Read scrolls and spellbooks. | PHB |
Enchantment | ||
Daze | Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action. | PHB |
Evocation | ||
Breeze | Continuous breeze on target | |
Dancing Lights | Creates torches or other lights. | PHB |
Electric Jolt | Ranged touch attack deals 1d3 electricity damage. | SC |
Flare | Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls). | PHB |
Light | Object shines like a torch. | PHB |
Penumbra | Helps negate light blindness | |
Ray of Frost | Ray deals 1d3 cold damage. | PHB |
Scoop | Scoop up a pint of liquid up to 5 lbs. | |
Sonic Snap | Subject takes 1 point of sonic damage and is deafened 1 round. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Ghost Sound | Figment sounds. | PHB |
Silent Portal | Negates sound from door or window. | SC |
Necromancy | ||
Disrupt Undead | Deals 1d6 damage to one undead. | PHB |
Touch of Fatigue | Touch attack fatigues target. | PHB |
Transmutation | ||
Amanuensis | Copy nonmagical text. | SC |
Jolt | Spark of electricity 1d3 electricity damage. | |
Launch Bolt | Launches a crossbow bolt up to 80 ft. | SC |
Launch Item | Hurls Fine item up to Medium range. | SC |
Mage Hand | 5-pound telekinesis. | PHB |
Mending | Makes minor repairs on an object. | PHB |
Message | Whispered conversation at distance. | PHB |
Open/Close | Opens or closes small or light things. | PHB |
Repair Minor Damage | Repairs 1 point of damage to any construct. | SC |
Root | +2 vs trips and bull rushes | |
Stick | Glues an object weighing 5 pounds or less to another object. | SC |
Universal | ||
Arcane Mark | Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible). | PHB |
Prestidigitation | Performs minor tricks. | PHB |
1st Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Alarm | Wards an area for 2 hours/level. | PHB |
Dispel Ward | As dispel magic, but affects only wards. | SC |
Ectoplasmic Armor | Gain armor bonus against incorporeal touch attacks. | SC |
Endure Elements | Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. | PHB |
Hold Portal | Holds door shut. | PHB |
Ironguts | Subject gains +5 bonus on saving throws against poison. | SC |
Nightshield | You gain resistance bonus on saves, and spell absorbs magic missile damage. | SC |
Protection from Chaos | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | PHB |
Protection from Evil | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | PHB |
Protection from Good | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | PHB |
Protection from Law | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. | PHB |
Resist Planar Alignment | Subject can resist penalties for being of an opposed alignment on an aligned Outer Plane. | SC |
Shield | Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles. | PHB |
Conjuration | ||
Benign Transposition | Two willing subjects switch places. | SC |
Blades of Fire | Your melee weapons deal +1d8 fire damage for 1 round. | SC |
Buzzing Bee | Bee gives subject –10 penalty on Move Silently and hinders Concentration checks. | SC |
Corrosive Grasp | 1 touch/level deals 1d8 acid damage. | SC |
Deep Breath | Your lungs are filled with air. | SC |
Grease | Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery. | PHB |
Hail of StoneM | Stones deal 1d4 points of damage/level to creatures in the area (max 5d4). | SC |
Mage Armor | Gives subject +4 armor bonus. | PHB |
Mount | Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level. | PHB |
Obscuring Mist | Fog surrounds you. | PHB |
Orb of Acid, Lesser | Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 acid damage + 1d8/2 levels beyond 1st (max 5d8). | SC |
Orb of Cold, Lesser | Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 cold damage + 1d8/2 levels beyond 1st (max 5d8). | SC |
Orb of Electricity, Lesser | Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 electricity damage + 1d8/2 levels beyond 1st (max 5d8). | SC |
Orb of Fire, Lesser | Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 fire damage + 1d8/2 levels beyond 1st (max 5d8). | SC |
Orb of Sound, Lesser | Ranged touch attack deals 1d6 sonic damage + 1d6/2 levels beyond 1st (max 5d6). | SC |
Summon Monster I | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Summon Undead I | Summons undead to fight for you. | SC |
Unseen Servant | Invisible force obeys your commands. | PHB |
Wall of Smoke | Wall of black smoke obscures vision and nauseates those who pass through. | SC |
Divination | ||
Appraising Touch | Gain +10 bonus on Appraise checks. | SC |
Arrow Mind | You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity. | SC |
Comprehend Languages | You understand all spoken and written languages. | PHB |
Critical Strike | For 1 round you gain +1d6 damage, doubled threat range, and +4 on attack rolls to confirm critical threats. | SC |
Detect Secret Doors | Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. | PHB |
Detect Undead | Reveals undead within 60 ft. | PHB |
Golem Strike | You can sneak attack constructs for 1 round. | SC |
Guided Shot | You ignore distance, cover, concealment penalties with your ranged attacks for 1 round. | SC |
Identify M | Determines properties of magic item. | PHB |
Insightful Feint | Gain +10 on your next Bluff check to feint in combat. | SC |
Instant Locksmith | Make Disable Device or Open Lock check at +2 as free action. | SC |
Instant Search | Make Search check at +2 as free action. | SC |
Magecraft | +5 competence bonus on one Craft check. | EbCS |
Master’s Touch | You gain proficiency in a weapon or shield touched for 1 minute/level. | SC |
Sniper’s Shot | No range limit on next ranged sneak attack. | SC |
Spontaneous Search | Instantly Search area as if having taken 10. | SC |
Targeting Ray | You and allies are +1 to hit/3 levels against subject. | SC |
True Strike | +20 on your next attack roll. | PHB |
Enchantment | ||
Charm Person | Makes one person your friend. | PHB |
Distract | Subjects take –4 on Concentration, Listen, Search, and Spot. | SC |
Distract Assailant | One creature is flat-footed for 1 round. | SC |
Hypnotism | Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures. | PHB |
Incite | Subjects can’t ready actions or delay. | SC |
Inhibit | Subject delays until next round. | SC |
Shock and Awe | Flat-footed creatures get –10 on initiative. | SC |
Sleep | Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber. | PHB |
Evocation | ||
Blood Wind | Subject uses natural weapons at range. | SC |
Burning Hands | 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). | PHB |
Guiding Light | +2 on ranged attacks against creatures in illuminated area. | SC |
Ice Dagger | Grenadelike weapon deals subject 1d4/level cold damage, plus area damage. | SC |
Light of Lunia | You radiate silvery light, which you can expend as 2 bolts that deal 1d6 damage. | SC |
Luminous Gaze | Your eyes emit light, dazzle creatures. | SC |
Magic Missile | 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5). | PHB |
Persistent Blade | Blade of force attacks subject, automatically flanks. | SC |
Ray of Flame | Ray deals 1d6/2 levels fire damage, ignites subject. | SC |
Shocking Grasp | Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6). | PHB |
Sonic Blast | Subject takes 1d4/2 levels sonic damage plus deafness. | SC |
Tenser’s Floating Disk | Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lb./level. | PHB |
Thunderhead | Small lightning bolts deal 1 damage/round. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Color Spray | Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns 1d6 weak creatures. | PHB |
Dead End | Removes spoor of one creature/level. | SC |
Disguise Self | Changes your appearance. | PHB |
Net of Shadows | Ordinary shadows that provide concealment to all in the area. | SC |
Nystul’s Magic Aura | Alters object’s magic aura. | PHB |
Serene Visage | Gain insight bonus on Bluff checks equal to half your level. | SC |
Silent Image | Creates minor illusion of your design. | PHB |
Ventriloquism | Throws voice for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Necromancy | ||
Backbiter | Weapon strikes wielder. | SC |
Cause Fear | One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds. | PHB |
Chill Touch | One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage. | PHB |
Ray of Enfeeblement | Ray deals 1d6 +1 per two levels Str damage. | PHB |
Spirit Worm | Subject takes 1 point Con damage every round for 1 round/level. | SC |
Transmutation | ||
Accelerated Movement | Balance, Climb, or Move Silently at normal speed with no penalty on skill check. | SC |
Animate Rope | Makes a rope move at your command. | PHB |
Babau Slime | Secrete a body-covering acid that damages attacking foes. | SC |
Breath Flare | Your breath weapon dazzles subjects. | SC |
Cheat | Caster rerolls when determining the success of a game of chance. | SC |
Cutting Hand | Your hand gains a +2 enhancement bonus and deals 1d6 damage. | SC |
Ebon Eyes | Subject can see through magical darkness. | SC |
Enlarge Person | Humanoid creature doubles in size. | PHB |
Erase | Mundane or magical writing vanishes. | PHB |
Expeditious Retreat | Your speed increases by 30 ft. | PHB |
Expeditious Retreat, Swift | Your speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round. | SC |
Feather Fall | Objects or creatures fall slowly. | PHB |
Fist of Stone | Gain +6 Str and natural slam attack. | SC |
Horrible Taste | Touched creature or object nauseates biting or swallowing foes. | SC |
Jump | Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. | PHB |
Low-Light Vision | See twice as far as a human in poor illumination. | SC |
Mage Hand, Greater | As mage hand, but medium range and up to 40 lb. | SC |
Magic Weapon | Weapon gains +1 bonus. | PHB |
Nerveskitter | Subject gains +5 bonus on initiative checks. | SC |
Portal Beacon | You grant others knowledge of a magic portal’s location. | SC |
Raging Flame | Fires burn twice as hot, half as long. | SC |
Ray of Clumsiness | Victim takes 1d6 Dexterity penalty +1/2 levels. | SC |
Reduce Person | Humanoid creature halves in size. | PHB |
Remove Scent | Hides touched creature’s scent. | SC |
Repair Light Damage | Repairs 1d8 damage +1/ level (max +5) to any construct. | SC |
Scatterspray | Group of small objects fl ies apart in a burst. | SC |
Shieldbearer | Shield floats near subject to offer protection. | SC |
Slide | Move subject 5 feet. | SC |
Slow Burn | Fires burn twice as long. | SC |
Spell Flower | Hold the charge on one touch spell per forelimb. | SC |
Weapon Shift | Touched weapon changes form. | SC |
Wings of the Sea | +30 ft. to subject’s swim speed. | SC |
Universal | ||
Familiar Pocket | Garment or container becomes extradimensional safe haven for your familiar. | SC |
2nd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Aiming at the Target | +10 bonus on Concentration checks for previously cast spell. | SC |
Alarm, GreaterF | As alarm, and it works on coexistent planes. | SC |
Arcane Lock M | Magically locks a portal or chest. | PHB |
Obscure Object | Masks object against scrying. | PHB |
Daggerspell Stance | You gain +2 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls if you make a full attack, SR 5 + caster level if you fight defensively, and DR 5/magic if you use the total defense action. | SC |
Dissonant Chant | Concentration checks more difficult within area of spell. | SC |
Distracting Ray | Ray forces spellcaster to make Concentration check. | SC |
Earth LockM | Constricts tunnel, preventing access. | SC |
Ectoplasmic Feedback | Incorporeal attackers take 1d6 damage + 1/level. | SC |
Portal Alarm | You are alerted when a creature passes through a warded portal. | SC |
Protection from Arrows | Subject immune to most ranged attacks. | PHB |
Resist Energy | Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. | PHB |
Scintillating Scales | Your natural armor bonus turns into a deflection bonus. | SC |
Conjuration | ||
Baleful Transposition | Two subjects switch places. | SC |
Cloud of Bewilderment | Generates a nauseating 10-ft. cube. | SC |
Create Magic TattooM | Subject receives a magic tattoo with various effects. | SC |
Fog Cloud | Fog obscures vision. | PHB |
Glitterdust | Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. | PHB |
Ice Knife | Magical shard of ice deals 2d8 cold damage plus 2 Dex damage, or deals 1d8 cold damage in 10-ft.-radius burst. | SC |
Inky Cloud | Obscures sight underwater beyond 5 ft. | SC |
Malevolent Miasma | Cloud of fog deals 1d4 nonlethal damage/level. | SC |
Melf’s Acid Arrow | Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round +1 round/three levels. | PHB |
Summon Monster II | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Summon Swarm | Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders. | PHB |
Summon Undead II | Summons undead to fight for you. | SC |
Web | Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs. | PHB |
Divination | ||
Balancing Lorecall | You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and can balance on difficult surfaces if you have 5 or more ranks in Balance. | SC |
Chain of Eyes | See through other creatures’ eyes. | SC |
Detect Thoughts | Allows “listening” to surface thoughts. | PHB |
Discern ShapechangerM | Penetrates disguises and identifies shapechanging creatures. | SC |
Locate Object | Senses direction toward object (specific or type). | PHB |
Marked Object | You gain bonus to track a specific being. | SC |
See Invisibility | Reveals invisible creatures or objects. | PHB |
Enchantment | ||
Daze Monster | Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action. | PHB |
Entice Gift | Subject gives caster what it’s holding. | SC |
Mechanus Mind | Reformat subject’s mind to be coldly calculating. | SC |
Mindless Rage | Subject compelled to attack you physically for 1 round/level. | SC |
Ray of Stupidity | Victim takes 1d4+1 Intelligence damage. | SC |
Rebuke | Subject is dazed 1 round, then shaken. | SC |
Sting Ray | Subject of ray can take only standard or move action, has –2 AC, and must make Concentration checks to cast spells. | SC |
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter | Subject loses actions for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Touch of Idiocy | Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis, and Cha damage. | PHB |
Evocation | ||
Battering Ram | Deals 1d6 damage plus bull rush. | SC |
Blast of Force | Attack deals 1d6 damage/2 levels (max 5d6). | SC |
Burning Sword | Weapon gains flaming burst special ability. | SC |
Continual Flame M | Makes a permanent, heatless torch. | PHB |
Combust | Subject takes 1d8/level fire damage and might catch fire. | SC |
Darkness | 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. | PHB |
Electric Loop | Deals 1d6/2 levels electricity damage plus stunning to a single creature. | SC |
Ethereal Chamber | You entrap an ethereal subject in a chamber of force. | SC |
Fireburst | Creatures within 10 feet take 1d8/level fire damage. | SC |
Flame Dagger | Beam of fire deals 1d4 damage +1/ level. | SC |
Flaming Sphere | Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level. | PHB |
Force LadderF | Creates an immobile ladder of force. | SC |
Frost Breath | Icy breath deals 1d4 damage/2 levels. | SC |
Gust of Wind | Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures. | PHB |
Light of Mercuria | You radiate golden light, which you can expend as 2 bolts that deal 1d6 damage, 2d6 against undead and evil outsiders. | SC |
Rainbow BeamF | Ray dazzles and deals 1d12 damage/3 levels of random type. | SC |
Ray of Ice | Ray deals 1d6 cold damage/2 levels. | SC |
Scorch | Jet of flame deals 1d8/2 levels (max 5d8). | SC |
Scorching Ray | Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3). | PHB |
Shatter | Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures. | PHB |
Slapping Hand | Hand makes creature provoke attacks of opportunity. | SC |
Snowball Swarm | Snowballs deal 2d6 points of cold damage in 10-ft. burst. | SC |
Veil of Shadow | Darkness grants you concealment. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Bladeweave | Your melee attack dazes your opponent. | SC |
Blur | Attacks miss subject 20% of the time. | PHB |
Cloak Pool | Hide a color pool on the Astral Plane from view. | SC |
Dark Way | Creates temporary unbreakable bridge supporting up to 200 lb./level. | SC |
Delusions of Grandeur | Subject thinks it is better than it is. | SC |
Discolor Pool | Change the color of a color pool on the Astral Plane. | SC |
Disguise Undead | Change appearance of one corporeal undead. | SC |
Hypnotic Pattern | Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures. | PHB |
Invisibility | Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks. | PHB |
Leomund’s Trap M | Makes item seem trapped. | PHB |
Magic Mouth M | Speaks once when triggered. | PHB |
Minor Image | As silent image, plus some sound. | PHB |
Mirror Image | Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8). | PHB |
Misdirection | Misleads divinations for one creature or object. | PHB |
Phantasmal Assailants | Nightmare creatures strike subject for 8 Wis damage, 8 Dex damage. | SC |
Phantom FoeM | Subject is always flanked by one creature. | SC |
Reflective Disguise | Viewers see you as their own species and gender. | SC |
Shadow Mask | Grants +4 on saves against light spells, protection from gaze attacks. | SC |
Shadow Radiance | Area filled with intense light that grows brighter. | SC |
Shadow Spray | Deals 4 points of Str damage and dazes. | SC |
Wall of Gloom | Shadow barrier obscures vision. | SC |
Necromancy | ||
Blindness/Deafness | Makes subject blinded or deafened. | PHB |
BonefiddleF | Spectral fiddle bow deals 3d6 damage/round. | SC |
Command Undead | Undead creature obeys your commands. | PHB |
Curse of Impending Blades | Subject takes –2 penalty to AC. | SC |
Death ArmorF | Black aura damages creatures attacking you. | SC |
Desiccating Bubble | Globe of air damages by evaporating moisture from subject. | SC |
False Life | Gain 1d10 temporary hp +1/level (max +10). | PHB |
Ghoul Glyph | Glyph wards area, paralyzes victims. | SC |
Ghoul Touch | Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened. | PHB |
Life Bolt | 1 ray/2 levels draws 1 hp from you to deal 1d12 damage to undead. | SC |
Ray of Sickness | Subject becomes sickened. | SC |
Ray of Weakness | Subject takes –2 on attacks, –10 ft. speed. | SC |
Scare | Panics creatures of less than 6 HD. | PHB |
Shroud of Undeath | Negative energy shroud makes undead perceive you as undead. | SC |
Spawn Screen | Subject resists being transformed into an undead spawn if slain. | SC |
Spectral Hand | Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks. | PHB |
Stolen Breath | Subject has wind knocked out of it. | SC |
Wracking Touch | Deal 1d6 damage +1/level; you also deal sneak attack damage if you have any. | SC |
Transmutation | ||
Alter Self | Assume form of a similar creature. | PHB |
Augment Familiar | Your familiar becomes more powerful. | SC |
Balor Nimbus | Your flaming body damages foes in grapple. | SC |
Bear’s Endurance | Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Belker Claws | Touch attack deals 2d12 damage and lingers +1 round/3 levels. | SC |
Body of the Sun | Your body emanates fire, dealing 1d4 fire damage/2 levels. | SC |
Bristle | Armor spikes attack with wearer. | SC |
Bull’s Strength | Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Cat’s Grace | Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Darkvision | See 60 ft. in total darkness. | PHB |
Eagle’s Splendor | Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Earthbind | Subject creature can’t fly. | SC |
Earthen Grasp | Arm made of earth and soil grapples foes. | SC |
Extend Tentacles | +5 ft. to reach of tentacle attack. | SC |
Fearsome Grapple | You grow tentacles that help you grapple. | SC |
Fins to Feet | Transforms tails and fins into legs and feet. | SC |
Fly, Swift | Gain fly speed of 60 ft. for 1 round. | SC |
Fox's Cunning | Subject gains +4 Int for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Fuse Arms | Multiple arms/tentacles become one pair of stronger limbs. | SC |
Ghost Touch Armor | Armor works normally against incorporeal attacks. | SC |
Heroics | Fighter gains one fighter bonus feat. | SC |
Hurl | Thrown weapon returns to thrower. | SC |
Infernal Wound | Weapon deals persistent, bleeding wounds. | SC |
Ironthunder Horn | Intense vibrations trip those in area. | SC |
Knock | Opens locked or magically sealed door. | PHB |
Levitate | Subject moves up and down at your direction. | PHB |
Lively Step | You and allies gain +10 increase to speed. | SC |
Mountain Stance | Subject becomes hard to move. | SC |
Owl’s Wisdom | Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Pyrotechnics | Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke. | PHB |
Quick Potion | Creates a potion that must be used within 1 hour/level. | SC |
Razorfangs | Your bite or claw attack threatens a critical hit on a 19 or 20. | SC |
Repair Moderate Damage | Repairs 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10) to any construct. | SC |
Rope Trick | As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space. | PHB |
Scale Weakening | Subject’s natural armor weakens. | SC |
Slide, Greater | Move subject 20 feet. | SC |
Snake’s Swiftness | Subject immediately makes one attack. | SC |
Sonic Weapon | Weapon touched deals +1d6 sonic damage with each hit. | SC |
Speak to Allies | Subjects can converse at distance without moving lips. | SC |
Spider Climb | Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. | PHB |
Stone Bones | Corporeal undead gains +3 natural armor bonus. | SC |
Surefooted Stride | You can move over rubble as easily as you can over open ground. | SC |
Swim | Subject gains swim speed, +8 bonus on Swim checks. | SC |
Whirling Blade | Hurled slashing weapon magically attacks all foes in 60-ft. line. | SC |
Whispering Wind | Sends a short message 1 mile/level. | PHB |
Wings of Air | Subject’s flight maneuverability improves by one step. | SC |
Wraithstrike | Your melee attacks strike as touch attacks for 1 round. | SC |
3rd Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Anticipate TeleportationF | Predict and delay the arrival of creatures teleporting into range by 1 round. | SC |
Antidragon AuraM | Allies gain bonus to AC and saves against dragons. | SC |
Avoid Planar Effects | Provides temporary protection against overtly damaging planar traits. | SC |
Dispel Magic | Cancels magical spells and effects. | PHB |
Earthen Grace | Subject takes only nonlethal damage from stone and earth. | SC |
Eradicate Earth | Deals 1d8 points of damage/level to earth creatures (Max 10d8). | SC |
Explosive Runes | Deals 6d6 damage when read. | PHB |
Magic Circle against Chaos | As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | PHB |
Magic Circle against Evil | As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | PHB |
Magic Circle against Good | As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | PHB |
Magic Circle against Law | As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. | PHB |
Nondetection M | Hides subject from divination, scrying. | PHB |
Protection from Energy | Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. | PHB |
Reverse Arrows | As protection from arrows, but negated arrows turn back upon their source. | SC |
Sign of SealingM | Magical sigil protects door or chest, deals 1d4/level damage (max 10d4) if opened. | SC |
Conjuration | ||
Acid Breath | Cone of acid deals 1d6 damage/level (max 10d6). | SC |
Bands of Steel | Metallic bands immobilize or entangle subject for 1 round/level. | SC |
Contagious Fog | 20-ft.-radius cloud of fog inflicts disease. | SC |
Corpse Candle | Ghostly hand and candle sheds light, affects incorporeal creatures. | SC |
IcelanceF | Changes ice into lance, which attacks subject for 6d6 damage and stuns for 1d4 rounds. | SC |
Mage Armor, Greater | Gives subject +6 armor bonus. | SC |
Mage Armor, Mass | As mage armor, but one creature/level. | SC |
Nauseating Breath | Exhale a cone of nauseating gas. | SC |
Phantom Steed | Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level. | PHB |
Regal Procession | As mount, but you summon several mounts. | SC |
Sepia Snake Sigil M | Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader. | PHB |
Servant Horde | Create 2d6 unseen servants +1/level (max +15). | SC |
Sleet Storm | Hampers vision and movement. | PHB |
Stinking Cloud | Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level. | PHB |
Summon Monster III | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Summon Undead III | Summons undead to fight for you. | SC |
Vipergout | You spit forth celestial or fiendish vipers that attack your foes. | SC |
Divination | ||
Analyze Portal | Find a nearby portal and discover its properties. | SC |
Arcane Sight | Magical auras become visible to you. | PHB |
Circle Dance | Indicates direction to known individual. | SC |
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance | Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. | PHB |
Telepathic Bond, Lesser | Link with subject within 30 ft. for 10 minutes/level. | SC |
Tongues | Speak any language. | PHB |
Unluck | Subject remakes all rolls, uses worse result for 1 round/level. | SC |
Enchantment | ||
Deep Slumber | Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep. | PHB |
Heroism | Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks. | PHB |
Hold Person | Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Mesmerizing Glare | Your gaze fascinates creatures. | SC |
Miser’s Envy | Subject jealously covets nearby object. | SC |
Rage | Subjects gains +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC. | PHB |
Ray of Dizziness | Subject can take only move or standard actions. | SC |
Suggestion | Compels subject to follow stated course of action. | PHB |
Suppress Breath Weapon | Subject can’t use its breath weapon. | SC |
Evocation | ||
Blacklight | Create an area of total darkness. | SC |
Blade of Pain and Fear | Creates blade of gnashing teeth. | SC |
Capricious Zephyr | Gale-force winds push creatures. | SC |
Chain Missile | Multiple missiles deal 1d4+1 damage each, then strike secondary targets. | SC |
Daylight | 60-ft. radius of bright light. | PHB |
Fireball | 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius. | PHB |
Flashburst | Flash of light dazzles and blinds creatures in area. | SC |
Glowing OrbF | Creates permanent magical light; you control brightness. | SC |
Great Thunderclap | Loud noise causes stunning, deafness, and knocks prone in a large area. | SC |
Hailstones | Frigid globes deal 5d6 cold damage. | SC |
Leomund’s Tiny Hut | Creates shelter for ten creatures. | PHB |
Light of Venya | You radiate pearly light, which you can expend as 2 bolts that deal 2d6 damage, 4d6 against undead and evil outsiders. | SC |
Lightning Bolt | Electricity deals 1d6/level damage. | PHB |
Manyjaws | One set of jaws/level attacks enemies for 1d6 damage. | SC |
Rainbow BlastF | Line deals 1d6 damage of each energy type. | SC |
Resonating Bolt | Sonic energy deals 1d4 damage/level (max 10d4). | SC |
Scintillating Sphere | 20-ft.-radius burst deals 1d6 electricity/level. | SC |
Shatterfloor | Deals 1d4 sonic/level plus damages floor surface. | SC |
Sonorous Hum | Removes need to concentrate to maintain next spell cast. | SC |
Sound Lance | Sonic energy deals 1d8/level damage. | SC |
Wall of Light | Creates wall of light, can dazzle creatures. | SC |
Wind Wall | Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. | PHB |
Illusion | ||
Claws of Darkness | Claws deal 1d8 cold damage and have reach. | SC |
Cone of Dimness | Subjects believe they are engulfed in magical darkness. | SC |
Displacement | Attacks miss subject 50%. | PHB |
Illusory Script M | Only intended reader can decipher. | PHB |
Invisibility Sphere | Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. | PHB |
Major Image | As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects. | PHB |
Shadow Binding | Ribbonlike shadows entangle creatures in 10-ft.-radius burst. | SC |
Shadow Cache | You open a small portal to the Plane of Shadow through which you can put an item for later retrieval. | SC |
Spectral Weapon | Use quasi-real weapon to make touch attacks. | SC |
Suspended SilenceM | Object becomes programmed to create an area of silence at your command. | SC |
Necromancy | ||
Curse of Impending Blades, Mass | Enemies take –2 penalty to AC. | SC |
Disrupt Undead, Greater | As disrupt undead, but 1d8 damage/level. | SC |
Gentle Repose | Preserves one corpse. | PHB |
Halt Undead | Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Healing Touch | Heal subject 1d6/2 levels, but take damage equal to half. | SC |
Incorporeal Enhancement | Grant bonuses to incorporeal undead. | SC |
Junglerazer | Fey, vermin, plants, and animals take 1d10 damage/level. | SC |
Mind Poison | Your poisonous touch deals Wis damage. | SC |
Ray of Exhaustion | Ray makes subject exhausted. | PHB |
Skull Watch | Skull shrieks when creature enters warded area. | SC |
Spider Poison | Touch deals 1d6 Str damage, repeats in 1 minute. | SC |
Undead Lieutenant | Chosen undead can give orders to undead in your control. | SC |
Undead Torch | Undead creature gains blue aura that gives +2d6 damage against living creatures. | SC |
Vampiric Touch | Touch deals 1d6/two levels damage; caster gains damage as hp. | PHB |
Transmutation | ||
Air Breathing | Subjects can breathe air freely. | SC |
Augment Object | This spell adds +20 to the break DC of the object and doubles its hardness and hit points; also gains a saving throw against spells when unattended as if it were a magic item. | SBG |
Amorphous Form | Subject becomes puddlelike and can slip through cracks quickly. | SC |
Bite of the Wererat | You gain the Dexterity and attacks of a wererat. | SC |
Blink | You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Deeper Darkvision | Subject can see 90 ft. in magical darkness. | SC |
Demon Dirge | Demons are stunned and take 3d6 damage/round for 1d4 rounds. | SC |
Devil Blight | Damage and stun baatezu; damage other lawful and evil creatures. | SC |
DiamondsteelM | Metal armor provides damage reduction. | SC |
Dolorous Blow | Weapon’s threat range is doubled and threats are automatically confirmed. | SC |
Dragonskin | You gain a bonus to natural armor plus energy resistance 10. | SC |
False Gravity | Travel on a solid surface as if that surface had its own gravity. | SC |
Flame Arrow | Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage. | PHB |
Fly | Subject flies at speed of 60 ft. | PHB |
Gaseous Form | Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. | SC |
Giant’s Wrath | Pebbles you throw become boulders. | SC |
Girallon’s Blessing | Subject gains one additional pair of arms. | SC |
Magic Weapon, Greater | +1/four levels (max +5). | PHB |
Hamatula Barbs | Subjects grow barbs, which damage foes that attack subject in melee. | SC |
Haste | One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. | PHB |
Keen Edge | Doubles normal weapon’s threat range. | PHB |
Primal Form | You change into elemental, gain some abilities. | SC |
Repair Serious Damage | Repairs 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15) to any construct. | SC |
Rust Ray | Metal objects take 2d6 damage +1/2 levels. | SC |
Secret Page | Changes one page to hide its real content. | PHB |
Shadow Phase | Subject becomes partially incorporeal. | SC |
Shrink Item | Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size. | PHB |
Slow | One subject/level takes only one action/round, –2 to AC, –2 on attack rolls. | PHB |
Snake’s Swiftness, Mass | Allies each immediately make one attack. | SC |
Spell Vulnerability | Reduce creature’s spell resistance by 1/caster level (max reduction 15). | SC |
Spiderskin | Subject gains increasing bonus to natural armor, saves against poison, and Hide checks. | SC |
Steeldance | Blades hover around you and attack foes. | SC |
Stony Grasp | Arm made of soil and rock grapples foes. | SC |
Tremorsense | Grants tremorsense to a range of 30 feet. | SC |
Water Breathing | Subjects can breathe underwater. | PHB |
Weapon of Energy | Weapon deals extra energy damage. | SC |
Weapon of Impact | As keen edge, but aids bludgeoning weapons. | SC |
Universal | ||
Enhance Familiar | Your familiar receives +2 bonus on saves, combat rolls, and AC for 1 hour/level. | SC |
Fortify Familiar | Your familiar gains 2d8 temporary hp, +2 to armor, 25% chance to avoid extra sneak attack and critical hit damage. | SC |
4th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Dimensional Anchor | Bars extradimensional movement. | PHB |
Dispelling Screen | Targeted dispel magic on any creatures and unattended items, +10 max on caster level check. | SC |
Fire Trap M | Opened object deals 1d4 damage +1/level. | PHB |
Forceward | Creates a sphere of force that protects against force effects and keeps out incorporeal creatures. | SC |
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser | Stops 1st- through 3rdlevel spell effects. | PHB |
Portal Alarm, Improved | Warded portal alerts you or a creature designated by you to creatures passing through it. | SC |
Ray Deflection | Ray attacks are reflected away. | SC |
Ray of Deanimation | Ray deals 1d6 damage/level to constructs. | SC |
Remove Curse | Frees object or person from curse. | PHB |
Resistance, Greater | Subject gains +3 on saving throws. | SC |
Resist Energy, Mass | Creatures ignore damage from specified energy type. | SC |
Stoneskin M | Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. | PHB |
Wall of Chaos/Wall of Evil/Wall of Good/Wall of LawM | Wall blocks creatures of opposite alignment. | SC |
Conjuration | ||
Blast of Flame | 60-ft. cone of fire (1d6/level damage). | SC |
BloodstarF | Hovering construct does Con damage each time foe is damaged. | SC |
Dimension Door | Teleports you short distance. | PHB |
Ethereal Mount | You conjure swift mounts on the Ethereal Plane. | SC |
Evard's Black Tentacles | Tentacles grapple all within 15 ft. spread. | PHB |
Leomund’s Secure Shelter | Creates sturdy cottage. | PHB |
Minor Creation | Creates one cloth or wood object. | PHB |
Orb of Acid | Ranged touch, 1d6/level acid damage and subject might be sickened. | SC |
Orb of Cold | Ranged touch, 1d6/level cold damage and subject might be blinded. | SC |
Orb of Electricity | Ranged touch, 1d6/level electricity damage and subject might be entangled. | SC |
Orb of Fire | Ranged touch, 1d6/level fi re damage and subject might be dazed. | SC |
Orb of Force | Globe of force deals 1d6/level damage (max 10d6). | SC |
Orb of Sound | Ranged touch, 1d4/level sonic damage and subject might be deafened. | SC |
Solid Fog | Blocks vision and slows movement. | PHB |
Summon Monster IV | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Summon Undead IV | Summons undead to fight for you. | SC |
Translocation Trick | You and subject switch places and appear as each other. | SC |
Wall of Sand | Swirling sand blocks ranged attacks, slows movement through. | SC |
Wall of Water | Creates shapeable transparent wall of water. | SC |
Divination | ||
Arcane Eye | Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round. | PHB |
Assay Spell Resistance | +10 bonus on caster level checks to defeat one creature’s spell resistance. | SC |
Detect Scrying | Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. | PHB |
Know Vulnerabilities | Determine subject’s vulnerabilities and resistances. | SC |
Locate Creature | Indicates direction to familiar creature. | PHB |
Scrying F | Spies on subject from a distance. | PHB |
Treasure Scent | You detect valuable metals and gems. | SC |
Enchantment | ||
Battle Hymn | Allies can reroll one Will save/ round. | SC |
Charm Monster | Makes monster believe it is your ally. | PHB |
Confusion | Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Crushing Despair | Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks. | PHB |
Geas, Lesser | Commands subject of 7 HD or less. | PHB |
Rebuke, Greater | Subject cowers for 1d4 rounds. | SC |
Evocation | ||
Blistering Radiance | Light dazzles creatures, deals 2d6 fire damage in 50-ft.-radius spread. | SC |
Defenestrating SphereF | Cloudy gray sphere knocks enemies prone, hurls them upward for subsequent falling damage. | SC |
Dragon Breath | You choose a dragon type and mimic its breath weapon. | SC |
Energy Spheres | Five colored spheres attack with or negate acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic energy. | SC |
Explosive Cascade | Bouncing flame ball deals 1d6/level fire damage. | SC |
Fire Shield | Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold. | PHB |
Floating Disk, Greater | As floating disk, but you can ride it. | SC |
Force Chest | 2-ft-cube chest made of force. | SC |
Force Claw | Claw of force guards an area, making opportunity attacks. | SC |
Force Missiles | Unerring missiles of force strike for 2d6 damage and explode in a burst. | SC |
Forcewave | Bull rushes all creatures within 10 ft. | SC |
Ice Storm | Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. | PHB |
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere | Force globe protects but traps one subject. | PHB |
Shout | Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage. | PHB |
Stone Sphere | 3-ft.-diameter stone sphere rolls over your enemies. | SC |
Sword of Deception | Blade of energy attacks independently, deals 1d4 damage, penalizes subsequent save. | SC |
Thunderlance | Lance of force deals 3d6 damage and might dispel force effects. | SC |
Vortex of Teeth | 3d8 points of damage due to force per round to all creatures in the area. | SC |
Wall of Fire | Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level. | PHB |
Wall of Ice | Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp +1/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures inside. | PHB |
Wingbind | A net of force entangles the subject, causing it to fall from the sky. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Hallucinatory Terrain | Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like). | PHB |
Illusory Wall | Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through. | PHB |
Invisibility, Greater | As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. | PHB |
Phantasmal Killer | Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage. | PHB |
Rainbow Pattern | Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures. | PHB |
Sensory Deprivation | All of subject’s senses are blocked. | SC |
Shadow Conjuration | Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real. | PHB |
Shadow Well | Subject enters gloomy pocket plane and emerges frightened. | SC |
Necromancy | ||
Animate Dead M | Creates undead skeletons and zombies. | PHB |
Bestow Curse | –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action. | PHB |
Burning Blood | Subject takes 1d8 acid damage plus 1d8 fire damage/round. | SC |
Contagion | Infects subject with chosen disease. | PHB |
Enervation | Subject gains 1d4 negative levels. | PHB |
Fear | Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Rebuking Breath | Your breath weapon rebukes undead. | SC |
Transmutation | ||
Attune Form | Grant creature temporary protection against overtly damaging planar traits. | SC |
Backlash | Subject takes damage if it uses spells against another creature. | SC |
Bite of the Werewolf | You gain the Strength and attacks of a werewolf. | SC |
Blinding Breath | Your breath weapon blinds subjects. | SC |
Corporeal Instability | Transform a creature into an amorphous mass. | SC |
Darkvision, Mass | As darkvision, but affects one/level subjects. | SC |
Displacer Form | You change into displacer beast, gain some abilities. | SC |
Entangling Staff | Quarterstaff can grapple and constrict foes. | SC |
Enlarge Person, Mass | Enlarges several creatures | PHB |
Polymorph | Gives one willing subject a new form. | PHB |
Fire Stride | Teleport from one fire to another. | SC |
Flame Whips | Your forelimbs deal 6d6 fire damage. | SC |
Flight of the Dragon | You grow dragon wings. | SC |
Iron Bones | Corporeal undead gains +6 natural armor bonus. | SC |
Metal Melt | Melts metal object without heat. | SC |
Perinarch | Gain greater control over Limbo’s morphic essence. | SC |
Raise from the Deep | Creature or sunken ship made buoyant. | SC |
Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer F | Wizard only. Prepares extra spells or retains one just cast. | PHB |
Repair Critical Damage | Cures” 4d8+1/level damage (maximum +20) to a construct. | EbCS/ SC |
Reduce Person, Mass | Reduces several creatures. | PHB |
Ruin Delver’s Fortune | Cast on another creature’s turn and choose one of several benefits. | SC |
Scramble Portal | You randomize the destination of a magic portal. | SC |
Sharptooth | One of your natural weapons deals damage as if you were one size larger. | SC |
Spell Enhancer | Lets you cast another spell in the same round at +2 caster level. | SC |
Stone Shape | Sculpts stone into any shape. | PHB |
Voice of the Dragon | +10 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks; can use one suggestion. | SC |
Wings of Air, Greater | Subject’s flight maneuverability improves by two steps. | SC |
5th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Anticold Sphere | Sphere hedges out cold creatures and protects you from cold. | SC |
Break Enchantment | Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. | PHB |
Contingent Energy Resistance | Energy damage triggers a resist energy spell. | SC |
Dismissal | Forces a creature to return to native plane. | PHB |
Dispelling Breath | Your breath weapon acts as a targeted dispel magic to all creatures in its area. | SC |
Duelward | +4 on Spellcraft checks, counterspell as an immediate action. | SC |
Ironguard, Lesser | Subject becomes immune to nonmagical metal. | SC |
Indomitability | Subject can’t be reduced below 1 hp. | SC |
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum | Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours. | PHB |
Planar Tolerance | Provides long-term protection against overtly damaging planar traits. | SC |
Reciprocal Gyre | Creature or object takes 1d12 damage/level of spell affecting it (max 25d12). | SC |
Refusal | Spellcasters and creatures with spell-like abilities are prevented from entering an area. | SC |
Symbol of Spell Loss | Triggered rune absorbs spells yet to be cast. | SC |
Wall of Dispel Magic | Creatures passing through a transparent wall becomes subjects of targeted dispel magic. | SC |
Zone of Respite | Prevents teleportation and similar effects from functioning in the area. | SC |
Conjuration | ||
Acid SheathF | Sheath of acid damages those who attack you, enhances acid spells. | SC |
Arc of Lightning | Line of electricity arcs between two creatures (1d6/level damage). | SC |
Call ZelekhutX | A zelekhut performs one duty for you. | SC |
Cloudkill | Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage. | PHB |
Dimension Door, Greater | Short-range, multipleuse dimension door. | SC |
Dragon Ally, LesserX | Exchange services with a 9 HD dragon. | SC |
Hidden Lodge | Creates sturdy cottage camouflaged to blend into natural surroundings. | SC |
Leomund’s Secret Chest F | Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will. | PHB |
Major Creation | As minor creation, plus stone and metal. | PHB |
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound | Phantom dog can guard, attack. | PHB |
Planar Binding, Lesser | Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task. | PHB |
Phantasmal Thief | Creates an unseen force that steals from others. | SC |
Summon Monster V | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Summon Undead V | Summons undead to fight for you. | SC |
Teleport | Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level. | PHB |
Viscid Glob | Ranged touch attack hurls 5-ft.-diameter glob of glue at subject. | SC |
Vitriolic Sphere | Potent acid deals 6d6 acid damage plus possible damage in following 2 rounds. | SC |
Wall of Stone | Creates a stone wall that can be shaped. | PHB |
Divination | ||
Contact Other Plane | Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity. | PHB |
Prying Eyes | 1d4 +1/level floating eyes scout for you. | PHB |
Rary’s Telepathic Bond | Link lets allies communicate. | PHB |
Enchantment | ||
Dominate Person | Controls humanoid telepathically. | PHB |
Feeblemind | Subject’s Int and Cha drop to 1. | PHB |
Hold Monster | As hold person, but any creature. | PHB |
Mind Fog | Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks. | PHB |
Symbol of Sleep M | Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber. | PHB |
Evocation | ||
Ball Lightning | Energy ball deals 1d6/level electricity damage. | SC |
Bigby’s Interposing Hand | Hand provides cover against one opponent. | PHB |
Cacophonic Burst | Noise deals 1d6/level sonic damage to all within area. | SC |
Cacophonic Shield | Shield 10 ft. from you blocks sounds, deals 1d6 sonic damage +1/level, and deafens creatures passing through. | SC |
Cone of Cold | 1d6/level cold damage. | PHB |
Cyclonic Blast | Deals 1d6 damage/level, knocks down creatures. | SC |
Fire Shield, Mass | Creatures attacking allies take damage; allies are protected from fire or cold. | SC |
FirebrandM | One 5-ft. burst/level deals 1d6 fire/level plus burning for 1 round. | SC |
Fireburst, Greater | Subjects within 15 ft. take 1d10/level fire damage. | SC |
Moonbow | Three motes of electricity each deal 1d6/2 levels electricity damage to subjects. | SC |
Prismatic Ray | Ray of light blinds subject, deals random effect. | SC |
Sending | Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. | PHB |
Shard Storm | Blast deals 3d6 damage to creatures in area. | SC |
Shroud of Flame | Subject bursts into flames, taking 2d6 fire damage/round. | SC |
Sonic RumbleF | Cone of sound deals damage. | SC |
Wall of Force | Wall is immune to damage. | PHB |
Wall of Limbs | Whirling limbs deal 5d6 damage and grab creatures passing through. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Dream | Sends message to anyone sleeping. | PHB |
False Vision M | Fools scrying with an illusion. | PHB |
Illusory Feast | Subjects become dazed by illusory food. | SC |
Mirage Arcana | As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures. | PHB |
Nightmare | Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue. | PHB |
Persistent Image | As major image, but no concentration required. | PHB |
Seeming | Changes appearance of one person per two levels. | PHB |
Shadow Evocation | Mimics evocation below 5th level, but only 20% real. | PHB |
Shadow Form | Gain +4 on Hide, Move Silently, and Escape Artist checks, and concealment; you can move through obstacles if you have ranks in Escape Artist. | SC |
Shadow Hand | Medium hand blocks opponents or carries items. | SC |
Shadowfade | Opens a portal to the Plane of Shadow. | SC |
Necromancy | ||
Blight | Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature. | PHB |
Death Throes | Your body explodes when you die. | SC |
Graymantle | Inhibits creature’s ability to heal and regenerate for 1 round/level. | SC |
Magic Jar F | Enables possession of another creature. | PHB |
Miasma of Entropy | Rot all natural materials in 30-ft. cone-shaped burst. | SC |
Night’s Caress | Touched foe takes 1d6 points of damage/level plus 1d6+2 Con damage. | SC |
Spiritwall | Wall of spirit-forms causes panic, deals 1d10 damage if touched, can bestow negative levels if passed through. | SC |
Symbol of Pain M | Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain. | PHB |
Waves of Fatigue | Several targets become fatigued. | PHB |
Wrack | Renders creature helpless with pain. | SC |
Transmutation | ||
Animal Growth | One animal/two levels doubles in size. | PHB |
Baleful Polymorph | Transforms subject into harmless animal. | PHB |
Bite of the Wereboar | You gain the Strength and attacks of a wereboar. | SC |
Blink, Greater | Controlled blinking between the Material and Ethereal Planes grants defenses for 1 round/level. | SC |
Breath Weapon Substitution | Your breath weapon deals a different kind of damage than normal. | SC |
Draconic Might | Gain +5 to Str, Con, Cha; +4 natural armor; immunity to magic sleep and paralysis effects. | SC |
Draconic Polymorph | As polymorph, but improved. | SC |
Dragonsight | Gain low-light vision, darkvision, and blindsense. | SC |
Earth Reaver | Eruption deals 7d6 damage to all in area. | SC |
Enlarge Person, Greater | Subject remains enlarged for 1 hour/level. | SC |
Ethereal Breath | Your breath weapon manifests on the Ethereal Plane. | SC |
Fabricate | Transforms raw materials into finished items. | PHB |
Fiendform | Assume form and abilities of fiendish creature, demon, or devil. | SC |
Fly, Mass | One creature/level flies at speed of 60 ft. | SC |
Gutsnake | 10-ft. tentacle grows from your stomach and attacks your enemies. | SC |
Lucent Lance | Ambient light forms lance, deals various damage. | SC |
Nightstalker’s TransformationM | Gain +4 Dex, +3 luck bonus to AC, +5 luck bonus on Ref saves, +3d6 sneak attack, and evasion. | SC |
Overland Flight | You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances. | PHB |
Passwall | Creates passage through wood or stone wall. | PHB |
Reduce Person, Greater | Subject remains reduced for 10 minutes/level. | SC |
Spell Matrix, LesserF | Magical matrix stores a 3rd-level or lower spell to be cast later as quickened spell. | SC |
Stunning Breath | Your breath weapon also stuns creatures for 1 round. | SC |
Surefooted Stride, Mass | As surefooted stride but multiple subjects. | SC |
Telekinesis | Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature. | PHB |
Transmute Mud to Rock | Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. | PHB |
Transmute Rock to Mud | Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. | PHB |
Vulnerability | Reduces an opponent’s damage reduction. | SC |
Xorn Movement | Touched creature swims through earth like a xorn. | SC |
Universal | ||
Permanency X | Makes certain spells permanent. | PHB |
6th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Anticipate Teleportation, GreaterF | Predict and delay the arrival of creatures teleporting into range by 3 rounds. | SC |
Antimagic Field | Negates magic within 10 ft. | PHB |
Aura of EvasionM | All within 10 ft. gain evasion against breath weapons. | SC |
Dispel Magic, Greater | As dispel magic, but +20 on check. | PHB |
Globe of Invulnerability | As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects. | PHB |
Guards and Wards | Array of magic effects protect area. | PHB |
Repulsion | Creatures can’t approach you. | PHB |
Ruby Ray of ReversalF | Ray negates magical or mundane hazards. | SC |
Seal PortalM | Seal an interplanar portal or gate. | SC |
Sign of Sealing, GreaterM | Magical sigil protects door, chest, or open space, deals 1d6/level damage (max 20d6) if opened. | SC |
Conjuration | ||
Acid Fog | Fog deals acid damage. | PHB |
Acid StormM | Deals 1d6/level acid damage (max 15d6) in a 20-ft. radius. | SC |
Fire Spiders | Swarm of Fine fire elementals deals fire damage in an area. | SC |
Freezing Fog | Fog slows creatures, obscures vision, hinders movement. | SC |
GemjumpF | Teleport to the location of a specially prepared gem. | SC |
Planar Binding | As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD. | PHB |
Resistance, Superior | Subject gains +6 on saving throws. | SC |
Summon Monster VI | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Transcribe Symbol | Safely moves an untriggered magical symbol to another location. | SC |
Tunnel Swallow | Tunnel’s peristaltic convulsions deal 1d6 points of damage/level (max 15d6). | SC |
Wall of Gears | Creates wall of moving gears that deals 1d6 damage/2 levels to creatures within 10 ft. | SC |
Wall of IronM | 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes. | PHB |
Divination | ||
Analyze Dweomer F | Reveals magical aspects of subject. | PHB |
Interplanar Telepathic Bond | Link lets allies communicate across planes. | SC |
Legend Lore M F | Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. | PHB |
Probe Thoughts | Read subject’s memories, one question/round. | SC |
True Seeing M | Lets you see all things as they really are. | PHB |
Enchantment | ||
Geas/Quest | As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature. | PHB |
Heroism, Greater | Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp. | PHB |
Suggestion, Mass | As suggestion, plus one subject/level. | PHB |
Symbol of PersuasionM | Triggered rune charms nearby creatures. | PHB |
Evocation | ||
Bigby’s Forceful Hand | Hand pushes creatures away. | PHB |
Chain Lightning | 1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage. | PHB |
Contingency F | Sets trigger condition for another spell. | PHB |
Fires of Purity | Subject bursts into magical flame, becoming a dangerous weapon. | SC |
Howling ChainF | Chain of force trips and attacks opponents. | SC |
Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere | Freezes water or deals cold damage. | PHB |
Ray of Light | Ray blinds subject. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Dream Casting | Alter subject’s dreams to produce desired effect. | SC |
Illusory Pit | Creatures in area are knocked prone while believing they’re falling. | SC |
Mislead | Turns you invisible and creates illusory double. | PHB |
Permanent Image | Includes sight, sound, and smell. | PHB |
Programmed Image M | As major image, plus triggered by event. | PHB |
Reflective Disguise, Mass | Viewers see subjects as their own species and gender. | SC |
Shadowy Grappler | Illusory force grapples subject. | SC |
Shadow Walk | Step into shadow to travel rapidly. | PHB |
Veil | Changes appearance of group of creatures. | PHB |
Necromancy | ||
Aura of Terror | You gain an aura of fear, or your frightful presence becomes more effective. | SC |
Circle of Death M | Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures. | PHB |
Contagion, Mass | As contagion, but 20-ft. radius. | SC |
Create Undead M | Creates ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs. | PHB |
Eyebite | Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose. | PHB |
Fleshshiver | Subject is stunned for 1 round, takes 1d6/level damage, and is nauseated for 1d4+2 rounds. | SC |
Ghoul Gauntlet | Convert victim to a ghoul under your control. | SC |
Imperious Glare | You cause subjects to cower in fear. | SC |
Incorporeal Nova | Destroy incorporeal undead. | SC |
Opalescent Glare | Kill creatures with a look, or make them very afraid. | SC |
Ray of Entropy | Subject takes –4 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. | SC |
Revive UndeadM | Restores undeath to undead that was destroyed up to 1 day/level ago. | SC |
Spectral Touch | Your touch bestows one negative level/round. | SC |
Symbol of Fear M | Triggered rune panics nearby creatures. | PHB |
Undeath to Death M | Destroys 1d4/level HD of undead (max 20d4). | PHB |
Transmutation | ||
Bear’s Endurance, Mass | As bear’s endurance, affects one subject/level. | PHB |
Bite of the Weretiger | You gain the Strength and attacks of a weretiger. | SC |
Brilliant Blade | Weapon or projectiles shed light, ignore armor. | SC |
Bull’s Strength, Mass | As bull’s strength, affects one subject/ level. | PHB |
Cat’s Grace, Mass | As cat’s grace, affects one subject/level. | PHB |
Control Water | Raises or lowers bodies of water. | PHB |
Cloak of the Sea | Gain blur, freedom of movement, and water breathing while in water. | SC |
Disintegrate | Makes one creature or object vanish. | PHB |
Eagle’s Splendor, Mass | As eagle’s splendor, affects one subject/level. | PHB |
Extract Water Elemental | Pulls water from victim, forms water elemental. | SC |
Flesh to Stone | Turns subject creature into statue. | PHB |
Fox’s Cunning, Mass | As fox’s cunning, affects one subject/level. | PHB |
HardeningM | Increases object’s hardness by 1 point/2 levels. | EbCS/SC |
Make Manifest | You cause a creature on a coexistent plane to appear on your plane. | SC |
Mordenkainen’s Lucubration | Wizard only. Recalls spell of 5th level or lower. | PHB |
Move Earth | Digs trenches and build hills. | PHB |
Owl’s Wisdom, Mass | As owl’s wisdom, affects one subject/ level. | PHB |
Ooze Puppet | You telekinetically control an ooze. | SC |
Stone Body | Your body becomes living stone. | SC |
Stone to Flesh | Restores petrified creature. | PHB |
Subvert Planar Essence | Reduces subject’s damage reduction and spell resistance. | SC |
Tenser’s Transformation M | You gain combat bonuses. | PHB |
Universal | ||
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability | You transfer spells and casting ability into your familiar. | SC |
7th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Antimagic RayM | Subject loses all magical powers. | SC |
Banishment | Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures. | PHB |
Dispelling Screen, Greater | Targeted dispel magic on any creatures and unattended items, +20 max on caster level check. | SC |
Energy Immunity | Subject and equipment gain immunity to damage of specified energy type. | SC |
Ghost Trap | Incorporeal creatures turn corporeal. | SC |
Hide from Dragons | Dragons can’t perceive one subject/2 levels. | SC |
IronguardF | Subject becomes immune to all metal. | SC |
Planar Bubble | Create bubble around creature that emulates its native planar environment. | SC |
Sequester | Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose. | PHB |
Spell Turning | Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster. | PHB |
Conjuration | ||
Call KolyarutX | A kolyarut performs one duty for you. | SC |
Drawmij’s Instant Summons M | Prepared object appears in your hand. | PHB |
Dragon AllyX | As lesser dragon ally, but up to 15 HD. | SC |
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion F | Door leads to extradimensional mansion. | PHB |
Phase Door | Creates an invisible passage through wood or stone. | PHB |
Plane Shift F | As many as eight subjects travel to another plane. | PHB |
Stun Ray | Subject stunned 1d4+1 rounds. | SC |
Summon Monster VII | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Teleport, Greater | As teleport, but no range limit and no offtarget arrival. | PHB |
Teleport Object | As teleport, but affects a touched object. | PHB |
Divination | ||
Arcane Sight, Greater | As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects. | PHB |
Scrying, Greater | As scrying, but faster and longer. | PHB |
Vision M X | As legend lore, but quicker and strenuous. | PHB |
Enchantment | ||
Hiss of Sleep | You induce comatose slumber in subjects. | SC |
Hold Person, Mass | As hold person, but all within 30 ft. | PHB |
Insanity | Subject suffers continuous confusion. | PHB |
Power Word Blind | Blinds creature with 200 hp or less. | PHB |
Rebuke, Final | As rebuke, except the subject must save or die. | SC |
Symbol of Stunning M | Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures. | PHB |
Symphonic NightmareM | Discordant noise haunts subject’s sleep. | SC |
Transfix | Humanoids freeze in place until condition you specify is met. | SC |
Evocation | ||
Bigby’s Grasping Hand | Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples. | PHB |
Delayed Blast Fireball | 1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for 5 rounds. | PHB |
Emerald Flame Fist | Touch attack deals 3d6 + fire damage 1/level (max +20); subject can be engulfed by flame for additional damage. | SC |
Forcecage M | Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside. | PHB |
Ice Claw | Claw of ice grapples and deals cold damage. | SC |
Mordenkainen’s Sword F | Floating magic blade strikes opponents. | PHB |
Prismatic Eye | Orb produces individual prismatic rays as touch attacks. | SC |
Prismatic Spray | Rays hit subjects with variety of effects. | PHB |
Radiant Assault | 1d6 damage/level, victims dazed or dazzled. | SC |
Submerge Ship | You control ship mentally while it travels underwater. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Invisibility, Mass | As invisibility, but affects all in range. | PHB |
Project Image | Illusory double can talk and cast spells. | PHB |
Shadow Conjuration, Greater | As shadow conjuration, but up to 6th level and 60% real. | PHB |
Simulacrum M X | Creates partially real double of a creature. | PHB |
Solipsism | Subject believes it alone exists. | SC |
Necromancy | ||
Arrow of BoneM | Missile or thrown weapon gains +4 bonus, subject takes 3d6 damage +1/level (max +20) or is slain. | SC |
Avasculate | Reduce foe to half hp and stun. | SC |
Awaken UndeadX | Grant sentience to otherwise mindless undead. | SC |
Barghest’s FeastM | Destroy corpse, potentially preventing its return to life. | SC |
Control Undead | Undead don’t attack you while under your command. | PHB |
Energy Ebb | Give subject one negative level/round for 1 round/level. | SC |
Evil Glare | Paralyze creatures with your glare. | SC |
Finger of Death | Kills one subject. | PHB |
Kiss of the VampireM | You gain vampirelike supernatural abilities, but are vulnerable to attacks that harm undead. | SC |
Sword of Darkness | Blade of negative energy bestows one or more negative levels. | SC |
Symbol of Weakness M | Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures. | PHB |
Waves of Exhaustion | Several targets become exhausted. | PHB |
Transmutation | ||
Animate Breath | Your breath weapon becomes an elemental. | SC |
Bite of the Werebear | You gain the Strength and attacks of a werebear. | SC |
Body of War | You change into warforged titan, gain some abilities. | SC |
Brilliant Aura | Allies’ weapons become brilliant energy, ignoring armor. | SC |
Control Weather | Changes weather in local area. | PHB |
Elemental Body | You take on the qualities of a type of elemental. | SC |
Energy Transformation FieldMX | Area absorbs magic energy to power a predetermined spell. | SC |
Ethereal Jaunt | You become ethereal for 1 round/level. | PHB |
Glass Strike | Turns subject into glass. | SC |
Reverse Gravity | Objects and creatures fall upward. | PHB |
Spell MatrixF | Stores up to two spells of 3rd level or lower to be released later. | SC |
Statue | Subject can become a statue at will. | PHB |
Stone Shape, Greater | Sculpts 10 cu. ft. + 10 cu. ft./level of stone into any shape. | SC |
Synostodweomer | Channel a spell into positive energy to cure 1d8/spell level. | SC |
Universal | ||
Limited Wish X | Alters reality—within spell limits. | PHB |
8th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Dimensional Lock | Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level. | PHB |
Mind Blank | Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying. | PHB |
Prismatic Wall | Wall’s colors have array of effects. | PHB |
Protection from Spells M F | Confers +8 resistance bonus. | PHB |
Spell EngineMX | Wizard only. Swap out prepared spells for other spells in your spellbook. | SC |
Wall of Greater Dispel Magic | Creatures passing through a transparent wall become subjects of targeted greater dispel magic. | SC |
Conjuration | ||
Fierce Pride of the Beastlands | Summon celestial lions and celestial dire lions to follow your commands. | SC |
Incendiary Cloud | Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round. | PHB |
Maze | Traps subject in extradimensional maze. | PHB |
Planar Binding, Greater | As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD. | PHB |
Plane Shift, Greater | Plane shift accurately to your desired destination. | SC |
Summon Monster VIII | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Trap the Soul M F | Imprisons subject within gem. | PHB |
Divination | ||
Discern Location | Reveals exact location of creature or object. | PHB |
Moment of Prescience | You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save. | PHB |
Prying Eyes, Greater | As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing. | PHB |
Enchantment | ||
Antipathy | Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. | PHB |
Binding M | Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature. | PHB |
Charm Monster, Mass | As charm monster, but all within 30 ft. | PHB |
Demand | As sending, plus you can send suggestion. | PHB |
Maddening Scream | Subject has -4 to AC, no shield, Reflex save on 20 only. | EbCS |
Maddening Whispers | You induce confusion and madness in subjects. | SC |
Otto’s Irresistible Dance | Forces subject to dance. | PHB |
Power Word Stun | Stuns creature with 150 hp or less. | PHB |
Symbol of Insanity M | Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane. | PHB |
Sympathy F | Object or location attracts certain creatures. | PHB |
Wrathful Castigation | Subject dies or is dazed and –4 on saves for 1 round/level. | SC |
Evocation | ||
Bigby’s Clenched Fist | Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes. | PHB |
Field of Icy RazorsF | Creatures in area take normal and cold damage, might be slowed. | SC |
Lightning Ring | Ring of lightning gives you resistance to electricity 20, damages adjacent creatures, and emits two lightning bolts per round. | SC |
Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere | As Otiluke’s resilient sphere, but you move sphere telekinetically. | PHB |
Polar Ray | Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage. | PHB |
Shout, Greater | Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects. | PHB |
Sunburst | Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage. | PHB |
Illusion | ||
Invisibility, Superior | Subject is invisible to sight, hearing, and scent for 1 minute/level, and can attack. | SC |
Scintillating Pattern | Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious. | PHB |
Screen | Illusion hides area from vision, scrying. | PHB |
Shadow Evocation, Greater | As shadow evocation, but up to 7th level and 60% real. | PHB |
Shifting Paths | Illusion hides path, creates false new path. | SC |
Necromancy | ||
Avascular Mass | Reduce foe to half hp and stun, entangle in 20-ft. radius from victim. | SC |
Bestow Curse, Greater | As bestow curse, but more severe penalties. | SC |
Blackfire | Subject is engulfed in black flame, takes 1d4 Con damage and becomes nauseated; flames and effects can spread to adjacent living creatures. | SC |
Clone M F | Duplicate awakens when original dies. | PHB |
Create Greater Undead M | Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers. | PHB |
Heart of StoneFX | Exchange your heart with stone heart to gain damage reduction, resistance to energy for 1 year. | SC |
Horrid Wilting | Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft. | PHB |
Skeletal GuardM | Create one skeleton/level with turn resistance. | SC |
Symbol of Death M | Triggered rune slays nearby creatures. | PHB |
Veil of Undeath | You gain undead traits. | SC |
Transmutation | ||
Excavate | Creates a permanent passage in earth and walls. | SC |
Flensing | Pain and trauma deal 2d6 damage, 1d6 Con damage, 1d6 Cha damage for up to 4 rounds. | SC |
Ghostform | You assume incorporeal form and gain some incorporeal traits and bonuses. | SC |
Iron Body | Your body becomes living iron. | PHB |
Make Manifest, Mass | As make manifest but affecting all creatures in the area. | SC |
Polymorph Any Object | Changes any subject into anything else. | PHB |
Stunning Breath, Greater | Your breath weapon also stuns creatures for 2d4 rounds. | SC |
Temporal Stasis M | Puts subject into suspended animation. | PHB |
9th Level | ||
Name | Description | Source |
Abjuration | ||
Absorption | You absorb spell energy to power spells of your own. | SC |
Effulgent Epuration | Creates one sphere/level to negate hostile magic. | SC |
Freedom | Releases creature from imprisonment. | PHB |
Imprisonment | Entombs subject beneath the earth. | PHB |
Magic Miasma | Solid fog reduces caster level by –4. | SC |
Maw of Chaos | Chaotic energy dazes, deals damage, impedes concentration. | SC |
Mordenkainen’s Disjunction | Dispels magic, disenchants magic items. | PHB |
Prismatic Sphere | As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides. | PHB |
Reaving Dispel | On a targeted dispel, steal spell power and effects for yourself. | SC |
Unbinding | Frees everyone in range from spells that constrain or bind. | SC |
Conjuration | ||
Abyssal Army | Summons demons to fight for you. | SC |
Black Blade of Disaster | Floating magic weapon disintegrates subjects. | SC |
Call MarutX | A marut performs one duty for you. | SC |
Dragon Ally, GreaterX | As lesser dragon ally, but up to 21 HD. | SC |
Gate X | Connects two planes for travel or summoning. | PHB |
Heavenly Host | Summons archons to fight for you. | SC |
Hellish Horde | Summons devils to fight for you. | SC |
Obedient Avalanche | Snowy avalanche crushes and buries your foes. | SC |
Refuge M | Alters item to transport its possessor to you. | PHB |
Sphere of Ultimate Destruction | Featureless black sphere does 2d6/level damage, disintegrates. | SC |
Summon Elemental MonolithM | Calls powerful elemental creature to fight for you. | SC |
Summon Monster IX | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. | PHB |
Teleportation Circle M | Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot. | PHB |
Vile DeathMX | Undead creature gains fiendish template. | SC |
Divination | ||
Eye of Power | As arcane eye, but you can cast spells of 3rd level or lower through it. | SC |
Foresight | “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger. | PHB |
HindsightM | You see into the past. | SC |
Enchantment | ||
Dominate Monster | As dominate person, but any creature. | PHB |
Hold Monster, Mass | As hold monster, but all within 30 ft. | PHB |
Power Word Kill | Kills one creature with 100 hp or less. | PHB |
Programmed AmnesiaM | Destroy, alter, or replace memories in subject creature. | SC |
Evocation | ||
Bigby’s Crushing Hand | Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes. | PHB |
Instant RefugeMX | Transport to a safe location of your choice. | SC |
Meteor Swarm | Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage. | PHB |
Reality Maelstrom | Hole in reality sends creatures and objects to another plane. | SC |
Illusion | ||
Shades | As shadow conjuration, but up to 8th level and 80% real. | PHB |
Weird | As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft. | PHB |
Necromancy | ||
Astral Projection M | Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane. | PHB |
Energy Drain | Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. | PHB |
Enervating Breath | Your breath weapon also bestows 2d4 negative levels. | SC |
Plague of UndeadM | Animates horde of undead. | SC |
Soul Bind F | Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. | PHB |
Wail of the Banshee | Kills one creature/level. | PHB |
Transmutation | ||
Awaken ConstructX | Construct gains humanlike sentience. | SC |
Breath Weapon Admixture | Add a second kind of energy to your breath weapon. | SC |
Etherealness | Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. | PHB |
Perinarch, Planar | Gain control over a small area of any divinely morphic plane. | SC |
Replicate Casting | Duplicate observed spell or spell-like ability. | SC |
Shapechange F | Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round. | PHB |
Spell Matrix, GreaterF | Stores up to three spells of 3rd level or lower to be released later. | SC |
Time Stop | You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds. | PHB |
Transmute Rock to Lava | Transforms one 10-ft. cube with subsequent fire damage and effects. | SC |
UndermasterM | You gain earth-related spell-like abilities. | SC |
Universal | ||
Wish X | As limited wish, but with fewer limits. | PHB |
page revision: 44, last edited: 07 Apr 2015 18:22