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This website is for my D&D campaign that I am running. It is set in Eberron and begins play in the City of Towers; Sharn. I have the city of Sharn laid out in detail, which is increasing daily as I add official and homebrew content to it, and because of this the site is private. Only members of the site will be able to view the content. Site members will also be able to add their own. Putting their own house up in Forgelight Towers or starting a gang war in the Cogs. If you're interested and don't know who I am, apply for membership, if you do know the password simply type it in below and you're automatically accepted.
I apologize if I don't get to accept your membership applications right away, I am in the army and deploy to the field or overseas often so I don't get to check it all the time. If you submit an application keep checking back, can't wait to have you as a member of the team!


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it is worth it and is free

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if you already have a account


it is worth it and is free


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Inviting users has been disabled due to severe abuse. Admins can still send email invitations via site admin dashboard.
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