Name: Todd Player: Berthelot Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: Aurean Class: Cleric 5/ Church Inquisitor 3 Domains: Knowledge, Magic and Inquisition
Age: 25 Height: 5'9" Weight: 164lbs
Str 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Dex 14 (+2)
Int 16 (+3) Wis 18 (+4) Chr 14(19) (+2(+5))
Base Attack: 5 AC: 25 (+2dex +8 (+3 mithril chain mail) +5 (+3 mithril heavy shield)) Hit Points 59
Fortitude: 5+2=7 Reflex: 2+2=4 Will: 7+3=10
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Research
Skills Total Rank Mod
Diplomacy 11 7 4
Heal 10 6 4
Concentration 7 5 2
Gather Information 7 3 4
Religion 11 8 3
History 8 5 3
Local 6 3 3
Nature 7 4 3
Geography 6 3 3
Planes 6 3 3
Arcana 8 5 3
Dungeoneering 6 3 3
Architecture 5 2 3
Royalty 5 2 3

Class Features
Turn Undead
Detect Evil
Immune to Charms

+3 Mithral Chain Mail
+3 Mithral Heavy Shield
Cloak of Charisma +2 (Silver Flame)
Wand of Cure Serious (50)
Eternal Wand of Repair Moderate Damage 1/day
Elixer of Truth
Todd's Glasses - Othersight Goggles
Fiendstone Charisma Shard

Todd now has a Professor position, Head of Khorvairen History, at Morgrave University, with a Condo apartment at Shava House. His responsibilities and so on are detailed on the page Professor Todd.

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