Population: 7,800
Social Class: Upper middle class
Character: Wealthy and educated, strongly influenced by the presence of Morgrave University.
Districts: University, fine shops, wealthy residences, average residences, gnome neighborhood
Businesses: Upscale and specialized, including many literate trades; gold piece limit: 70,000 gp
Key Personalities: Councilor Thurik Davandi (LN male gnome expert 4/magewright 4);
Master Larrian Morgrave (N male human aristocrat 2/expert 7);
Flamewind (N female gynosphinx, 12 HD);
Dala Arand (LE female human, expert 4/rogue 2);
Sonnet (NG male personality warforged, fighter 1/bard 3);
Kessler (CN male gnome bard 5/expert 4)
Morgrave University might not be the most prestigious university in the Five Nations, but it is the largest educational institution in Sharn. The University strongly influences the character of the Upper Menthis ward, drawing academics, scribes, sages, and students from all over Breland and beyond. A diverse mix of races and national origins populate Upper Menthis. In addition to the University, Upper Menthis’s role as the crown of Sharn’s entertainment quarter has made a significant impact on the character of the ward, and four major theaters have been established here.
Deni'yas (Gnome Neighborhood)
Ivy Towers (Average residential District)
Platinate (Wealthy Residential)
Seventh Tower (Fine Shops)
University District (Educational District)
Source: Sharn: City of Towers