Valiance Sarlonarian

Name: Valiance Sarlonarian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Asherati Male, 23 yrs old, Height 5ft11 Weight 147lbs, Hair Brown, Eyes Blue
Class: Bard 3 Chaos Monk 2
Languages: Common, Asherati

HP 32/32 Action Points 7/7 Spot +9
Initiative +2 Speed 30ft (4 Squares) Listen +8
AC 15 +2 Dex Base Attack/Grapple +3/+6
Fortitude +5 (+4) Reflex +8 (+6) Will +8 (+6)
Strength 17 (+3) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 18 (+4)
Race Abilities Lamp, Natural Dryness, Water Vulnerability, Heat Endurance
Class Abilities Improved Unarmed Strike, Heat Endurance, Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Music, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Evasion, Armor Restriction, AC bonus +2, , Flailing strike
Feats Grenadier, Superior Unarmed Strike
Traits Farsighted and Polite
Special Abilities Monastic Training,
Name Bonus Ranks Ability Misc
Balance +3 1 Dex (+2) /
Bluff +4 0 Cha (+4) /
Climb +3 0 Str (+3) /
Concentration +7 6 Con (+1) /
Diplomacy +11 4 Cha (+4) +3
Disguise +4 0 Cha (+4) /
Escape Artist +4 2 Dex (+2) /
Gather Information +10 6 Cha (+4) /
Heal +2 0 Wis (+2) /
Hide +4 0 Dex (+2) +2
Intimidate +2 0 Cha (+4) -2
Jump +3 0 Str (+3) /
Listen +8 6 Wis (+2) /
Move Silently +4 0 Dex (+2) +2
Perform Miner Rap +5 1 Cha (+4) /
Ride +2 0 Dex (+3) /
Search -1 / Int (0) -1
Sense Motive +7 +5 Wis (+2) /
Spot +9 6 Wis (+2) +1
Survival +2 0 Wis (+2) /
Swim +3 0 Str (+3) /
Use Magic Device +8 4 Cha (+4) /
Use Rope +2 0 Dex (+2) /
Attacks Attack Bonus Damage Notes
Superior Unarmed Strike +6 1d8 +3 20/x2

Possessions:Waterskin, 50' Silk Rope backpack, blessed bandage x 5 (instantly stabilizes target), healing salve x 4 (restores 1d8 damage), Alchemist's Fire Flask x5, Alchemist's Frost Flask x 5, Alchemist's Spark Flask x5, Acidic Fire Flask x6

Money: 750 gp


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